[Asis-l] Journal of Information Architecture, 2(2)

Katriina Byström Katriina.Bystrom at hb.se
Tue Feb 1 03:41:18 EST 2011

Dear All,
You have not missed the new issue of the Journal of Information
Architecture, have you? It is now available at http://journalofia.org/
Best regards,
Katriina Byström
Katriina Byström, Fil.Dr / Ph.D
Docent, Universitetslektor/Associate Professor, 
Swedish School of Library and Information Science
at Göteborg University and University of Borås
Senior Researcher, Findwise AB
 ( http://www.findwise.se/ )
Associate Editor, Journal of Information Architecture

+46 - (0)33 - 435 43 77  / +46 - (0)702 - 771 661                  
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