[Asis-l] Call for two post-doc researcher positions at the University of Padua (hard deadline 28 December 2011)

Laura Adami adami at dei.unipd.it
Tue Dec 13 11:49:45 EST 2011

The Information Management Systems (IMS) Research Group 
(http://ims.dei.unipd.it/) at the Department of Information Engineering 
(http://www.dei.unipd.it/wdyn/index.php?lingua=en) of the University of 
Padua (http://www.unipd.it/index_en.htm), Italy, invites applications 
for two 18 months post-doctoral researcher positions in the experimental 
evaluation of information systems.

The positions are both partially tied to the PROMISE (Participative 
Research labOratory for Multimedia and Multimedia Information Systems 
Evaluation) Network of Excellence (http://www.promise-noe.eu/) 
co-financed by the European Commission.  The work of the post-doc 
researchers will be supervised by Dr. Nicola Ferro (Coordinator of the 
PROMISE Network of Excellence, 

Position 1:
*Design and Development of Component-based Evaluation Methodologies for 
Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Systems*


The research activities concern the study and development, in the 
context of the PROMISE project, of innovative methodologies to carry out 
a component-based evaluation of multilingual and multimodal information 
access systems in order to assess the contribution of each component to 
the overall performances.

Position 2:
*Design and Development of Knowledge Management and Semantic Tools for 
Information Retrieval Experimental Evaluation*


The research activities concern the study and development, in the 
context of the PROMISE project, of innovative tools for knowledge 
management and semantics in order to describe the scientific data 
produces by experimental evaluation of information retrieval systems and 
to make the accessible and re-usable.

The researcher will join an energetic and highly collaborative team of 
computer scientists. Tasks will include developing new algorithms and 
architectures; their prototyping and analysis; and, scientific 
publishing of the results.

About the University and the City

Probably best known as the city of Saint Anthony or as the economic 
capital of Veneto, Padova (Padua) is also one of the most important art 
cities in Italy. It is a pleasant historical city, home to one of the 
oldest (dating back to 1222) and most prestigious Universities in 
Europe. Little more than 400 years ago, Galileo came here as a Professor 
of Mathematics to spend, in his own words, "the 18 best years of my 
entire life." Bologna, Verona, Florence, Milan, Rome and Turin are all 
conveniently reachable by train.
Padova is known also for hosting the oldest botanical garden of Europe. 
The most important monuments of the town were realized between the 13th 
century and the 15th century, the most extraordinary economic and 
cultural period, which left an indelible mark on the town: the medieval 
city walls, the great civil and religious buildings, and the University.

About the Positions:

The official hiring procedure will be conducted at a Department level 
and the candidate's competencies will be evaluated by a commission 
nominated by the Department of Information Engineering of the University 
of Padua.
The positions offer:

  * A full-time appointment for a period of 18 months, starting by
    February 2012 (however other start times could be considered);
  * Euro 21,304 (twenty-one thousand three hundred and four) gross
    salary per year;
  * a comfortable and functional work station at the Department of
    Information Engineering;
  * free access to laboratories, libraries and facilities of the
    University of Padua.


  * Ph.D. in computer science, or related fields and two years of
    experience after the PhD;
  * experience with database systems and/or information retrieval systems;
  * fluent in Java and Web-Programming;
  * have a good command of oral and written English (some knowledge of
    Italian is desirable, but not required);
  * good analytical, technical, and problem solving skills;
  * good teamwork and organizational skills.

The following competencies are considered a plus:

  * Web Services design and development: e.g. REpresentational State
    Transfer (REST), JavaScript, Asyncronous JavaScript with XML (AJAX),
    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
  * Metadata schemes, generation and systems.
  * XML and related technologies: e.g. XPath, XQuery, XML Schema, and XSLT.

Application details:

Applications must be sent /strictly following/ /the instructions/ 
reported in the two links below:

  * Position 1:
    *Design and Development of Component-based Evaluation Methodologies
    for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Systems

  * Position 2:
    *Design and Development of Knowledge Management and Semantic Tools
    for Information Retrieval Experimental Evaluation


For more information contact Laura Adami (adami at dei.unipd.it 
<mailto:adami at dei.unipd.it>).
Please note that the applications must be submitted to the address 
indicated in the instructions and not to Laura Adami.
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