[Asis-l] Take a survey about CM practices and we donate to charity

Sharon Foley Sharon.Foley at earley.com
Fri Aug 19 11:23:48 EDT 2011

Hi All,

The 2011 Content Management Practices survey focuses on practices for creating information (metadata) about documents, images, and social media communications. Companies create metadata to make content more visible to users searching for relevant items as well as support a range of more complex information applications (for example, comparing product features when shopping or performing analysis of insurance claims)
This year we will be revisiting the 2009 questions for some comparative data and updating the survey with some new ones as well.  Given the rate of change in the industry we expect the story the data will tell to be quite interesting.    
You can be a part of the story by completing the survey yourself.   And, to provide additional incentive, we are donating $2 to charity for every survey completed.   You get to choose which charity at the end of the survey.  
We will be sharing the results of the survey in a free webinar on September 7, 2011.  Those who take the survey can request a free copy of a whitepaper to be prepared on the results. 
To complete the survey:  

Sharon Foley         
Office: 423-525-4374
Cell: 423-797-1575
Fax: 423-379-1209
Email: sharon.foley at earley.com  
Web: www.earley.com

Follow me on twitter: @earleytaxonomy
Connect with me on  LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sharonfoley2010

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