[Asis-l] CIKM 2011 - Call for Tutorial Participation

Donald Metzler metzler at isi.edu
Fri Aug 12 02:21:30 EDT 2011

Call for Tutorial Participation

CIKM 2011 - 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management

** Early-bird registration until 31st August **

The CIKM conference series brings together leading researchers and
developers from the database, information retrieval, and knowledge
management communities. On Monday 24th October CIKM 2011 will offer ten
half-day tutorials from eminent academic and industrial researchers.
Tutorial registration is 160GBP and includes attendance at *two* tutorials,
including tutorial notes, lunch and coffee/tea breaks.

CIKM 2011 Tutorials

(1)    Computational Geography
Vanessa Murdock and Gary Gale

(2)    Large-Scale Array Analytics: Taming the Data Tsunami
Peter Baumann 

(3)    Large-scale Information Retrieval Experimentation with Terrier
Rodrygo Santos, Richard McCreadie and Vassilis Plachouras

(4)    Statistical Information Retrieval Modelling: From Probability Ranking
Principle to recent advances in diversity, Portfolio Theory, and Beyond
Jun Wang and Kevyn Collins-Thompson

(5)    Web-Based Open-Domain Information Extraction
Marius Pasca 

(6)    Advances in Data Stream Mining for Mobile and Ubiquitous Environments
Joao Gama, Shonali Krishnaswamy and Mohamed Gaber

(7)    Information Diffusion In Social Networks: Observing and Affecting
What Society Cares About
Divyakant Aggrawal, Ceren Budak and Amr El Addabi

(8)    Information Retrieval Challenges in Computational Advertising
Andrei Broder, Evgeniy Gabrilovich and Vanja Josifovski

(9)    Object Ranking
Roelof van Zwol and Srinivas Vadrevu

(10)    Uncertain Schema Matching : The Power of not Knowing
Avigdor Gal

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