[Asis-l] CfP 12th International Symposium on Information Science, Hidelsheim, Germany, March 2011

M.J. Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Sat Jun 26 11:20:20 EDT 2010

Institute of Information Science and Language Technology
University of Hildesheim

Call for Papers ISI 2011 und IuK 2011
12th International Symposium on Information Science
17th Annual Conference of IuK-Initiative Science
9.-11. March 2011
University of Hildesheim

Information and Knowledge: global, social and free?

The 12th International Symposium on Information Science and the 17th 
Annual Conference of IuKInitiative
Science will be held under the overall title Information and Knowledge: 
global, social and

For wide parts of the developed world the internet can be seen as 
ubiquitous. More powerful
technological infrastructures, a growing range of services and tools 
that alleviate the creation and
publication of knowledge, and a new so-called net generation have 
brought about a change leading
to a participative web as the new pre-eminent medium.

Aspects of the internationalization and multilingualism of knowledge 
processes, questions of social
and technical adaptability, and connectivity and participation in 
information access and use are
becoming more and more important, first and foremost for professionals 
and organizations but also
for end users and for civil society in general. The conference will 
serve as a platform and forum for
the discussion of such issues.

The ISI 2011 conference is a joint event of the German Higher Education 
Association for Information
Science (HI) (www.informationswissenschaft.org/index_en.html) and the 
IuK (IuK-I) (www.iukinitiative.
org). ISI 2011 will be held at the University of Hildesheim 
de/en/index.htm) under the management of Prof. Dr. Christa Womser-Hacker 

Call for Papers ISI 2011 Hildesheim: Submission deadline long/short 
contributions 25. October 2010
HI, being a science and education organization, is primarily interested 
in science-based and
education-related contributions in all areas of research, whereas the 
IuK- Initiative mainly
encourages contributions with respect to the promotion and development 
of domain-specific
information and to the transfer of knowledge. Contributors should 
specify for which part of the
conference their paper is intended.

Particularly desired are papers with the following topics, but also 
those which cover any subject in
the broader field of information science including neighbouring 
disciplines such as computer science,
economic science, economics, law, politics and administration, 
psychology and linguistics.
 E-Learning, E-Science
 E-Society, E-Culture, E-Commerce
 Globalization of information processes
 Human-Computer Interaction, Usability, Mobility
 Information Behaviour, Information Literacy
 Information Infrastructure
 Information Management and Knowledge Management
 Information Retrieval
 Internationalization of Information and Knowledge
 Multimedia, Multi Modality, Multilinguality
 Open Access, Open Education, Open Innovation
 Quality Management und Evaluation
 Social Web, Collaborative Media

Papers written and to be presented in English are welcome.

The following types of contributions may be submitted. Additionally, 
students and doctoral students
are encouraged to present their research in special sessions.
1. Long papers (10-12 pages)
2. Short papers (3-5 pages)
3. Posters (1- 2 pages)
4. Panel suggestions (1-2 pages)
5. Students' presentations
6. Doctoral thesis presentations

1. and 2. Long/short contributions
The contributions have to be original unpublished works. They should be 
uploaded in electronic form
(MS Word/RTF-Format, ODT) using the conference tool at www.isi2011.de. 
Peer reviewing will be
provided by at least two members of the international programme 
committee. The style sheet and
guidelines for the format design of the contributions can be downloaded 
at www.isi2009.de.
The deadline for 1 and 2 is: 25. October 2010
Notification of acceptance: mid-December 2010
The deadline for providing the revised manuscripts: 17. January 2011
Any further questions can be addressed to the programme and conference 
management: Prof. Dr.
Christa Womser-Hacker (womser at uni-hildesheim.de)

3. Poster
You can make a contribution to the conference by demonstrating ongoing 
research with one poster,
paper size A1. The poster will be shown and can be commented on in the 
entrance area of the
conference site. In addition, you should submit an article (maximum 
length of 2 pages, according to
the format guidelines of ISI 2011 style sheets). Once accepted, the 
article can be included in the
conference proceedings.
The deadline for the posters: 25. October 2010
Notification of acceptance: mid-December 2010
The deadline for providing the revised posters: 17. January 2011
The poster presentation can also be uploaded to the conference tool or 
can be sent to the Poster
Chair: Prof. Dr. Vivien Petras (vivien.petras at ibi.hu-berlin.de)

4. Panel suggestions
We provide an opportunity to hand in suggestions for panels. The 
proposal should include the topic
of the panel, a short description of its objectives, the name of the 
panel chair and potential
participants (in general, between four and six people). Panels should 
not extend beyond 90 minutes.
The deadline for panel suggestions: 25. October 2010
Notification of acceptance of panels: mid-December 2010
Proposals for panels should be sent to: Prof. Dr. Christa Womser-Hacker
(womser at uni-hildesheim.de)
Call for Papers ISI 2011 Hildesheim: Submission deadline long/short 
contributions 25. October 2010

5. Students' presentations
There will be student sessions organized by students of information 
science. We encourage students
of information science and related disciplines to present their point of 
view, research, projects or
work in progress on the subject Information and Knowledge: global, 
social and free?.
You can offer either a presentation (10-15 minutes) or a poster as you 
Proposals (outline of 2-3 pages) are due by 25. October 2010 and can be 
sent by email to
stud-isi-2011 at uni-hildesheim.de.
Notification of acceptance will be announced mid-December 2010. Once 
accepted, your contribution
can be included in the conference proceedings. The deadline for 
providing your contribution (max. 5
pages) to the conference proceedings: 17. January 2010.
Give it a try - you won’t regret it!
Any further questions can be addressed to Katrin Geist 
(geistk at uni-hildesheim.de)

6. Doctoral thesis presentations
Doctoral students are encouraged to present their research in a special 
dissertation session, with
short presentations (10-15 minutes) and discussions.
Contributors should submit a poster (paper size A1) as well as a written 
draft (maximum length of 5
pages, according to the format guidelines of ISI 2011 style sheets) 
outlining the dissertation project.
Posters may be submitted as PDF files.
The deadline for doctoral thesis presentations: 1. December 2010
Proposals should be sent to: Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff 
(christian.wolff at computer.org)

Programme and conference management
Prof. Dr. Christa Womser-Hacker
Institute of Information Science and Language Technology
University of Hildesheim
Marienburger Platz 22
D-31141 Hildesheim
womser at uni-hildesheim.de

Dr. Michel J. Menou
Visiting Professor, Department of Information Studies
University College London, U.K.
Consultant in ICT policies, Knowledge&  Information Management
13 rue Nationale
F-49350 Les Rosiers sur Loire, France
Email: micheljmenou[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone: +33 (0)2 41511043

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