[Asis-l] Reminder ALISE/Garfield Dissertation Award Submissions

HASTINGS, SAM SHASTING at mailbox.sc.edu
Wed Jun 16 09:27:11 EDT 2010

Dear Colleagues,


The ALISE/Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Competition Jury is
accepting proposals for the 2011 Awards.  Information below is also
available on the ALISE website at
http://www.alise.org/mc/page.do?sitePageId=50703&orgId=ali.  Please help
us by distributing this call widely - thank you!


Sam Hastings,



(DEADLINE - June 30, 2010)

The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) is
now accepting proposals for its 2011 Doctoral Dissertation Award
Competition. Up to two outstanding dissertations completed between
December 15, 2008 and June 30, 2010 will be selected. Each winner will
receive $500, plus 2011 conference registration and personal membership
in ALISE for 2011. Winners of the Dissertation Competition will present
a summary of their work at the 2011 ALISE annual meeting.

Doctoral students who have recently graduated in any field of study, or
who will have completed their dissertations by the above deadline, are
invited to submit two complete copies of their dissertation.
Dissertations must deal with substantive issues related to library and
information science, but applicants may be from within or outside LIS


Submission Requirements

A. Two complete copies of the dissertation, and abstract of 200 words,
and an email/postal return address must be submitted to the address
given at the end of this notice. 

B. The dissertation must have been accepted by the university within the
18 months preceding the deadline for submissions and must not have been
submitted for any other ALISE award during the year it is submitted for
the Eugene Garfield-ALISE Doctoral Dissertation Award. For the 2011
award, the acceptance time frame is December 15, 2008 through June 30,

C. The dissertation must be accompanied by proof of university
acceptance, or by a letter from the dissertation advisor indicating the
dissertation has been submitted to the university and will meet the
university acceptance deadline requirement. 


The ALISE Research Committee will judge the dissertations. In cases
where the research or methodology warrants it, additional assistance
will be obtained from ALISE members outside the committee. Dissertations
will be judged according to the following criteria:

A. Significance of the research problem to the overall LIS field 

B. Presentation of the relevant literature 

C. Design of the study (i.e., appropriateness of methodology, selection
of specific techniques and/or tests) 

D. Conduct of study (i.e., application of methods of data collection). 

E. Analysis and presentation of the data (i.e., quality of analysis,
logic of findings) 

F. Appropriateness of conclusions 

G. Clarity and organization of the writing 

The committee reserves the right to select no winning dissertation if in
its judgment none of the submissions are considered satisfactory.
Previous outstanding dissertations exhibited these characteristics:

*    Good writing 

*    Strong synthesis of the literature 

*    Well-developed discussion of potential problems with frameworks,
theories, models, and definitions used in the research-along with
discussion of how the dissertation would overcome limitations 

*    Constraints on generalizing beyond the data provided or the study
as designed 

*    Clear explanation of validity/appropriateness issues 

*    Discussion depth beyond a repeat of findings 

*    Answers to the "so what?" question 

Two complete copies, including an abstract of no more than 200 words,
evidence of acceptance, and an email/postal return address, must be
postmarked no later than June 30, 2010 and sent to:


Attn: ALISE Res Com Awards
65 East Wacker Place, Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60601-7246


Previous winners listed at



Dr. S. K. Hastings

Director and Professor

School of Library and Information Science

University of South Carolina

Davis College

1501 Greene St.

Columbia, SC 29208


hastings at sc.edu



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