[Asis-l] Call for lightning round participants - ALA/LITA session on cloud computing June 26, 2010

Mitchell, Erik mitcheet at wfu.edu
Tue Jun 8 08:17:33 EDT 2010

Please redistribute

ALA - Washington DC
Cloud computing for library services
Saturday, June 26th, 2010  8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Please join us for the LITA / ALA session on cloud computing to be held
during the ALA Annual Conference, June 26, 2010.  The session includes two
sets of panelists who will discuss current and potential uses of cloud
computing and a lightning round session.  We are seeking participants to
give lightning round (5 minute) presentations on your work or research on
cloud computing.

To sign-up visit http://groups.google.com/group/alacloud/, join the group,
and add your name to the lightning-round page

Please direct any questions to Erik Mitchell (mitcheet at wfu.edu)

Full session description:
This session will discuss how libraries can use cloud computing resources to
deliver innovative, cost-effective, and scalable
services. The session will include two panel discussions and participant
lightning round.  The panel discussions will focus on
trends, uses, and case studies of cloud computing in library environments.
 Panel presenters include both library and IT industry
experts. A call for lightning round participants will be issued at a later
date.Speakers: Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt University,
Director for Innovative Technologies and Research; Chris Tonjes, Director of
Information Technology, District of Columbia Government;
Leslie Johnston, Library of Congress, Digital Media Project Coordinator

A complete schedule of LITA events is available at http://www.ala.org/ala

Erik Mitchell, Ph.D.
Assistant Director for Technology Services
Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Wake Forest University
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