[Asis-l] CFP: JCDL & ICADL, co-located on the Gold Coast (Australia)

Sally Jo Cunningham sallyjo at cs.waikato.ac.nz
Wed Jan 20 00:57:27 EST 2010


ICADL 2010 Call for Papers

** Apologies for Cross Postings **



12th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL)
Gold Coast, Queensland, June 21-25, 2010

In conjunction with the 10th ACM/IEEE JCDL (Joint Conference on Digital

Conference Overview
ICADL welcomes submissions in the areas of computer science, library and
information science and knowledge management involving applications to
environmental sciences, social sciences, humanities and museum studies.
Submissions associated with the ICADL 2010 theme, of "Digital Libraries
in a Time of Global Change", as well as case studies and practical
implementations are particularly welcome.

The conferences welcome contributions from all fields associated with
Digital Libraries including:
*	Information Visualisation
*	Search, retrieval and browsing interfaces to all forms of
digital content
*	Data mining/extraction
*	Distributed information systems
*	eScience/eResearch data and knowledge management
*	Managing Collaborative Collections
*	Cultural Heritage Preservation
*	Studies of information behaviour and user needs and modelling
*	Insightful analyses of existing systems
*	Novel library content and use environments
*	Electronic publishing
*	Preservation systems and algorithms
*	Social Networking and Information Systems

Paper Submission and Publication
Authors may choose between two formats: full and short papers. Both
formats will be rigorously peer reviewed.

Full papers report on mature work or efforts that have reached an
important milestone. Full papers must not exceed 10 pages.

Short papers report on significant results that do not require the full
paper length for exposition. Short papers might highlight exciting early
results or can present theories or systems that can be described
concisely in the limited space. Short papers must not exceed 4 pages.

All papers must be original contributions and not previously published
nor currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers must
be written in English. All accepted papers will be published in the
Conference Proceedings as part of Springer Verlag's Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series. All submissions should be made through
this website and should conform to the LNCS formatting instructions.

Submission instructions are available at:

Important Dates
Paper submission opening: Dec 20, 2009
Paper submission deadline: Jan 25, 2010
Poster and demonstration deadline: Jan 31, 2010
Tutorial, Panel and workshop proposals: Jan 31, 2010
Decision notification: March 15, 2010
Camera ready version:  March 31, 2010
Conference: June 21-25, 2010


Call for Papers

Joint Conference on Digital Libraries JCDL 2010

June 21-25, 2010  Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.



The ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) is the  
major international research forum focused on digital libraries and  
associated technical, practical, and social issues. JCDL encompasses  
the many meanings of the term "digital libraries", including (but not  
limited to) new forms of information institutions; operational  
information systems with all manner of digital content; new means of  
selecting, collecting, organizing, distributing, and evaluating  
digital content; and theoretical models of information media,  
including document genres and electronic publishing. Digital libraries  
are distinguished from information retrieval systems because they  
include more types of media, provide additional functionality and  
services, and include other stages of the information life cycle, from  
creation through use. Digital libraries can also be viewed as an  
extension of the services libraries currently provide.

The theme of JCL 2010 is “Digital Libraries – 10 years past, 10 years  
forward, a 2020 vision”. This theme reflects the fact that the context  
in which digital libraries were originally conceived has significantly  
changed in the context of new information models embodied in Web 2.0  
and popular social networking applications. In this spirit, we are  
especially interested in papers that address and demonstrate new  
models of collaborative, participatory information interaction  
increasingly ubiquitous in the Web 2.0 context.

JCDL 2010 invites submissions of papers and proposals for posters,  
demonstrations, tutorials, and workshops that will make the conference  
an exciting and creative event to attend. As always, the conference  
welcomes contributions from all the fields that intersect to enable  
Digital Libraries. Topics include, but are not limited to:

·       Collaborative and participatory information environments

·       Cyberinfrastructure architectures, applications, and deployments

·       Data mining/extraction of structure from networked information

·       Digital library and Web Science curriculum development

·       Evaluation of online information environments

·       Impact and evaluation of digital information in education

·       Information policy and copyright law

·       Personal digital information management

·       Retrieval and browsing

·       Social networks and networked information

·       Social-technical perspectives of digital information

·       Studies of human factors in networked information

·       Systems, algorithms, and models for data preservation

·       Theoretical models of information interaction and organization

·       Visualization of large-scale information environments

Important Dates

·         All papers are due Monday, January 25, 2010 at 5 PM EST.
·         Demonstration submissions are due Monday, February 1, 2010  
at 5 PM EST.
·         Tutorial proposals are due Monday, February 1, 2010 at 5 PM  
·         Poster submissions are due Monday, February 8, 2010 at 5 PM  
·         Workshop proposals are due Monday, February 15, 2010 at 5 PM  
·         Notification of acceptance to authors by March 15, 2010.
·         Doctoral consortium abstracts are due Wednesday, March 31,  

Submission and Formatting Instructions are available at:

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