[Asis-l] Deadline Extension: Special Issue of International Journal of Medical Informatics on Supporting Collaboration in Healthcare Settings

Madhu Reddy mreddy at ist.psu.edu
Sun Feb 28 18:29:45 EST 2010

					***New Submission Deadline: April 30, 2010***

Special Issue of International Journal of Medical Informatics on Supporting Collaboration in Healthcare Settings

Guest Editors:
* Madhu Reddy, PhD, College of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
* Jakob Bardram, PhD, IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
* Paul Gorman, MD., Department of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology, Oregon Health & Sciences University,
  Portland, OR, USA

Healthcare is among the most complex and highly collaborative domains of work in the world.  For instance, with the increasing complexity and specialization of medical care in settings such as hospitals, individual care has given way to multidisciplinary patient-care processes. The National Institute of Medicine in its landmark Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century states that patient care teams will become central to the delivery of high-quality medical care. Clearly, collaboration is a central component to effective patient care teams as well as central aspect of the healthcare delivery. With the focus on patient-centered care, collaboration also plays an essential role in informal care settings such as the patient's home. For these reasons, it has become critically important that health information technologies are understood, designed, built, and deployed with collaboration in mind.
This special issue calls for original research and methodology papers on the role of health information technologies in supporting collaboration in healthcare. The purpose of this special issue is to bring together a set of research papers that will (1) advance our understanding of collaboration in healthcare, (2) discuss the role of technology in supporting/hindering collaboration, and (3) provide examples of effective collaborative health information technologies. Through this special issue, we hope to increase the awareness of the importance of understanding and supporting collaboration in this important domain.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)
* Empirical studies exploring collaboration around the use of health IT in both traditional (e.g., hospitals) and non-traditional
   settings (e.g., health websites)
* Methodologies for conducting research on collaboration in the healthcare domain
* New designs and technologies that support collaboration in healthcare
* Evaluation techniques for collaborative technologies in healthcare
* Evaluation studies of Health IT with respect to how well they support collaboration and coordination needs
* Case studies on the deployment and long-term use of collaborative technologies in healthcare

Important Dates:
* Papers to be submitted: April 30, 2010
* Peer reviews completed: June 31, 2010
* Revisions completed and submitted: August 1, 2010
* Publication date: October/November 2010

Length of the paper: 15-30 manuscript pages (double spaced)
If you intend to submit a paper to this special issue, you are strongly encouraged to send a brief email to Dr. Madhu Reddy
(mreddy at ist.psu.edu) at your earliest convenience. The email should include the tentative title of the paper, the list of
authors, and the institutions of the authors. Also, if you have any questions concerning submitting to the special issue,
please contact Dr. Reddy.

Information about International Journal of Medical Informatics
Editors-in-Chief: C. Safran and J. Talmon
Journal web site http://ees.elsevier.com/ijmi/

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