[Asis-l] Call for Nominations: Worldwide Book Awards for Publications

Melanie Emerson memerson at artic.edu
Mon Dec 13 09:31:44 EST 2010

This is a call for nominations for the Art Libraries Society of North  
America (ARLIS/NA) Worldwide Books Awards for Publications.

This award is given in recognition of outstanding publications by  
ARLIS/NA Individual members in the fields of librarianship, visual  
resources curatorship, and the arts. The form of recognition may range  
from a certificate of merit to a cash award up to $1,500. Nominated  
works must have been published during the 2009 or 2010 calendar year.

Applications and accompanying material must be postmarked by February  
4th, 2011.

Guidelines and application form are available on the ARLIS/NA website http://www.arlisna.org/about/awards/wwbap_guidelines.html
Previous award winners can be found here: http://www.arlisna.org/about/awards/researchawards_history.html#wwpub

Questions? Please contact the Research Award Committee Co-Chairs
Amy Ballmer, CUNY Graduate Center, aballmer at gc.cuny.edu
Melanie Emerson, Art Institute of Chicago, memerson at artic.edu

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