Jouis Christophe Christophe.Jouis at lip6.fr
Wed Apr 28 11:55:58 EDT 2010


*Proposal Submission Deadline: **May 2, 2010***

*/Next Generation Search Engines: Advanced Models for Information 

A book edited by Dr. Christophe Jouis (1, 3), Prof. Ismaïl Biskri (2), 
Prof. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (1) and CNRS Research director Magali Roux 
(1, 4)* *

(1) Universite Paris -- Sorbonne Nouvelle, France

(2) Universite du Quebec a Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada

(3) LIP6 (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6), UPMC & CNRS, France

(4) INIST (Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique-CNRS, France)

To be published by IGI Global: 


Scientific and economic organizations are confronted with handling an 
abundance of strategic information in their domain activities. One main 
challenge is to be able to find the right information quickly. In order 
to do so, organizations must master information access: getting relevant 
query results that are organized, sorted, and actionable.

Recent technological progress in computer science, Web technologies, and 
the constantly evolving information available on the Internet has 
drastically changed the landscape of search and access to information. 
Current search engines employ advanced techniques involving machine 
learning, social networks and semantic analysis.

*Objectives of the Book*

The main goal of this book is to transfer the new research results from 
the fields of advanced computer sciences and information science in 
order to master the access to information. The readers will be able to 
have a better idea of the results in applied research. The achievement 
of relevant, organized, sorted and workable answers -- to name but a few 
-- from a search is become a daily need for the enterprises and 
organizations, and, to a greater extent, for anyone. It does not consist 
of accessing to structural information like in standard databases only; 
neither it does consist of searching information strictly by the mean of 
a combination of key words. It goes far beyond that. The information 
sought must be able to be identified by the topics covered by it, that 
is to say its textual, audio, video or graphical content. This is not a 
new issue. However, recent technological advances have totally changed 
the used techniques. The new Web technologies, the emergence of Intranet 
systems and the abundance of information on the Internet have created 
the need for efficient search and information access tools.

*Target Audience*

This book is intended for scientists and decision-makers who wish to 
gain working knowledge about search in order to evaluate available 
solutions and to dialogue with software and data providers. It also 
targets intranet or Web server designers, developers and administrators 
who wish to understand how to integrate search technology in their 
applications according to their needs. This book is further designed for 
database, groupware applications and document management systems (EDM) 
designers, developers and administrators, as well as libraries or 
documentation centres directors who seek a deeper understanding of the 
tools they use, and how to set up new information systems. Lastly, this 
book aims all professionals in technology or competitive intelligence 
and, more generally, the specialists of the information market.

*Recommended topics include, but /are not limited to/, the following:*//

. Semantic Web

More and more content producers, as a result of the W3C recommendations 
on the semantic Web, index their databases with metadata or taxonomies 
(ontologies), in order to allow the search engines to adapt to the 
semantic analyzers. Currently many algorithms are being developed for 
semantic information research systems that do not impose hit-or-miss 
keyword searcher on the user.

. Generation of large-scale search engine index

. Video, audio and graphics indexing

. Query user interface: Controlled natural languages, natural language 
query, multilingual search, etc.

. Index Data Structures: Suffix tree, tree, Inverted index, Ngram index, 
Term document matrix, etc.

. Multi-sources and multi-formats indexation: Most recent search engines 
can index many different information sources, such as:

- FTP servers,

- files systems,

- Web pages,

- DBMS such as Oracles, Sybase, DB2, SQL Server and others.

- Document-oriented databases such as Lotus Notes.

- Desktop applications files such as Microsoft Office suite (Word, 

RTF format, ...

- Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF)

- PostScript (PS)

- LaTex

- The UseNet archive (NNTP) and other deprecated bulletin board formats

- XML and derivatives like RSS

- SGML (this is more of a general protocol)

. Emergence of new axis in the Next Generation of Search Engines

- Real-time search,

- Local search,

- GPS sensitive search,

- Mobile search,

- Search in the Cloud,

- Search using Hadoop,

- Map reduce, etc.

· Life Sciences Applications: A special section will be dedicated to 
recent developments for life sciences. As the volume of research digital 
data increases exponentially, searching information and documents, as 
well as links to data sources is becoming a main issue. Exemplary 
realizations that made it possible to unlock technological and 
scientific bolts will be presented.

  Submission Procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit /on or before /*/May 
2, 2010/*, a 2-3 pages chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission 
and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted 
proposals will be notified by */July 2, 2010/* about the status of their 
proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be 
submitted by */November 30, 2010/*. All submitted chapters will be 
reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be 
requested to serve as reviewers for this project.


This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea 
Group Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly 
Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," and "IGI 
Publishing" imprints. For additional information regarding the 
publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com <http://www.igi-pub.com>. 
This publication is anticipated to be released in 2011.

*Important Dates:*

*May 2, 2010**: *Proposal Submission Deadline (summary 200/300 words)**

*July 2, 2010**: *Notification of Acceptance**

*September 1, 2010**: *Full Chapter Submission**

*October 31, 2010**: *Review Result Returned**

*February 15, 2011**: *Final Chapter Submission**

*March 31, 2011**: *Final deadline

*Editorial Advisory Board Members:*

1. Berry, Michael W., Professor and Associate Department Head, of 
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Tennessee, USA

2. Biskri, Ismaïl, Professor, Département d'informatique, Université du 
Québec à Trois-Rivière, Québec, Canada

3. Boughanem, Mohand, Professor, Recherche et Filtrage d'Information, 
IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse), Université 
Paul Sabatier, France

4. Bourdaillet, Julien, Researcher, RALI, Université de Montréal, 
Québec, Canada

5. Bourdoncle, François, CEO, EXALEAD, France

6. Chailloux, Jérôme, Manager, ERCIM (European Research Consortium for 
Informatics and Mathematics), France

7. Chaudiron, Stéphane, Professor, IDIST (Information, Documentation, 
Information Scientifique et Technique), Universite Lille 3, France

8. Constant, Patrick, CEO, PERTIMM, France

9. Das, Abhishek, Seniors engineer, CUIL Inc., CA, USA

10. Desclés, Jean-Pierre, Professor, Langages, Logiques, Informatique, 
Cognition (LaLIC), Université Paris-Sorbonne, France

11. Dulong, Tanneguy, Director of Operations, ARISEM (THALES), France

12. Emam, Ossama, Manager, Cairo HLT Group IBM, USA

13. Ferret, Olivier, Research scientist, LI2CM/CEA (Laboratoire 
d'Ingénierie de la Connaissance Multimédia Multilingue/Commissariat à 
l'Énergie Atomique), France

14. Fluhr, Christian, Scientific Director, Cedege/Hossur'Tech, France

15. Fouladi, Karan, Search engineer, LIP6/ UMPC-CNRS (Laboratoire 
d'Informatique de Paris 6/ Université Pierre et Marie Curie and CNRS), 

16. Gallinari, Patrick, Professor, LIP6 (UMPC/CNRS), France

17. Ganascia, Jean-Gabriel, Professor, LIP6 (UMPC/CNRS), France

18. Gargouri, Faiez, professor, ISIM (Institut Supérieur d'Informatique 
et de Multimédia de Sfax), Tunisia

19. Ghitalla, Frank, Assistant Professor, INIST (Institut de 
l'Information Scientifique et Technique), France

20. Grau, Brigitte, Professor, LIMSI/CNRS (Laboratoire d'Informatique 
pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur), France

21. Grefenstelle, Gregory, Scientific Director, EXALEAD, France

22. Habib, Bassel, Search engineer, LIP6 (UMPC-CNRS), France

23. Jaziri, Wassim, Senior Lecturer, ISIM, Sfax, Tunisia

24. Huot, Charles, Director of Operations and co-founder, TEMIS Group, 

25. Jain, Ankit, Seniors engineer, CUIL Inc., CA, USA

26. Jouis, Christophe, Senior Lecturer, Université Paris Sorbonne 
Nouvelle and LIP6 (UMPC-CNRS), France

27. Lassale, Edmond, Search engineer, Orange Labs (France Telecom), France

28. Le Borgne, Hervé, Search engineer, LI2CM (CEA), France

29. Lucas, Philippe, Search engineer, TECHNOLOGIES group (Spirit 
software), France

30. Meng, Fan, Department of Psychiatry/Center for Computational 
Medicine and Biology, University of Michigan, USA

31. Meunier, Jean-Guy, Professor, LANCI (Laboratoire d'Analyse Cognitive 
de l'Information), UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal), Québec, Canada

32. Moulinier, Isabelle, lead research scientist, Thomson Reuters, USA

33. Mustafa El-Hadi, Widad, Professor, IDIST, Universite Lille3, France

34. Nie, Jian-Yun, Professor, DIRO, Université de Montréal, Montreal, 
Quebec, Canada

35. Piwowarski, Benjamin, Research associate, Information Retrieval 
Group, University of Glasgow, UK

36. Poupon, Anne, Research director-CNRS, Equipe Biologie et 
Bioinformatique des Systèmes de Signalisation Physiologie du 
Comportement et de la Reproduction, UMR CNRS 6175, INRA -- Tours, France

37. Riad, Mokadem, Senior Lecturer, IRIT (Institut de Recherche en 
Informatique de Toulouse), France

38. Rijke de, Maarten, Professor, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The 

39. Robertson, Stephen, Professor, Microsoft Research Laboratory in 
Cambridge, UK

40. Rocca-Serra, Philippe, Coordinator, The European Bioinformatics 
Institute, EMBL Outstation - Hinxton , Cambridge, UK

41. Roux, Magali, CNRS Research director, LIP6 (UMPC-CNRS) and INIST, France

42. Shafei, Bilal, Professor, ITS -- BBE department, Columbia 
University, USA and An-Najah National University, Palestine

43. Sansone, Susanna-Assunta, Coordinator, The European Bioinformatics 
Institute, EMBL Outstation - Hinxton , Cambridge, UK

44. Savoy, Jacques, Professor, Institut d'Informatique, Université de 
Neuchâtel, Switzerland

45. Smyth, Barry, Professor, UCD School of Computer Science & 
Informatics, University College Dublin, Ireland

46. Stroppa, Nicolas, Research Scientist, Yahoo! Labs, Paris

47. Timimi, Ismaïl, Senior Lecturer, IDIST, Universite Lille 3, France

48. Vinot, Romain, Senior Research Scientist, Yahoo! Labs in Paris, France

49. Wassermann, Renata, Senior Lecturer, Computer Science Department, 
University of São Paulo, Brasil

50. Zitouni, Imed, Researcher, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY, USA

/Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded *electronically* (Word 
document) or by *mail* to:/

/Dr. Christophe Jouis/



/104 avenue du Président Kennedy/

/75016 //Paris//, //France///

Tel.: +33 1 44 27 88 60 . Fax: +33 1 44 27 70 00 . GSM: +33 6 21 22 96 74

E-mail: search-engines at acasa.lip6.fr <mailto:search-engines at acasa.lip6.fr>

* * * * * ***

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Christophe JOUIS, Ph.D.
Maitre de conferences (Senior Lecturer)
Universite Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle
Rattache a la Présidence (Attached to the Presidency)
LIP6 - Université Pierre et Marie Curie&  CNRS (UMR 7606).
ACASA team
104, avenue du President Kennedy
75016 Paris, France
Bureau 628
Phone. +33 (0) 1 44 27 88 60
Fax. +33 (0) 1 44 27 70 00
Cell. Phone: +33 (0) 6 21 22 96 74

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