[Asis-l] [Dlib-subscribers] The September/October 2009 issue of D-Lib Magazine is now available

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Wed Sep 16 09:24:03 EDT 2009

[Forwarded.  Dick Hill]


The September/October 2009 issue of D-Lib Magazine 
(http://www.dlib.org/) is now available.

This issue contains five articles, two conference and workshop reports, 
the 'In Brief' column, excerpts from recent press releases, and news of 
upcoming conferences and other items of interest in 'Clips and 
Pointers'.  This month, D-Lib features Volunteer Voices, courtesy of 
Kenneth Middleton, Middle Tennessee State University, and Tiffani 
Conner, Lincoln Memorial University.

The articles include:

Establishing Trust in a Chain of Preservation: The TRAC Checklist 
Applied to a Data Staging Repository (DataStaR)
Gail Steinhart and Dianne Dietrich, Cornell University; and Ann Green, 
Yale University

Subject-based Information Retrieval within Digital Libraries Employing LCSHs
Ioannis Papadakis and Michalis Stefanidakis, University of Ionio; and 
Konstantinos Kyprianos and Rosa Mavropodi, University of Piraeus

Analysing Selection for Digitisation: Current Practices and Common 
Bart Ooghe, Heritage Cell Waasland; and Dries Moreels, Flemish Theatre 
Institute (BE)

OA Network: An Integrative Open Access Infrastructure for Germany
Uwe Mueller, Robin Malitz, and Peter Schirmbacher, Humboldt-Universitat 
zu Berlin; and Thomas Severiens, Universitat Osnabruck

Curriculum for Digital Libraries: An Analytical Study of Indian LIS 
R.S.R.Varalakshmi, Andhra University

The Conference and Workshop Reports are:

Report on OAI 6: CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly 
Communication, Geneva 17-19 June 2009
Elena Giglia, University of Turin

Purple Cows and Fringy Propositions: The Edinburgh Repository Fringe 
Festival 2009
Carol Minton Morris, Cornell University

D-Lib Magazine has mirror sites at the following locations:

UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath, England

The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

State Library of Lower Saxony and the University Library of Goettingen, 

Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

BN - National Library of Portugal, Portugal

(If the mirror site closest to you is not displaying the 
September/October 2009 issue of D-Lib Magazine at this time, please 
check back later.  There is a delay between the time the magazine is 
released in the United States and the time when the mirroring process 
has been completed.)

Bonnie Wilson
D-Lib Magazine

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