[Asis-l] Submit paper and PARTICIPATE IN ICDL 2010 - submission dealline 15 Sept. 2009

ICDL icdl at teri.res.in
Wed Sep 2 23:07:01 EDT 2009

Dear Sir,

I take this opportunity to write to you to nominate few Library and
Information Science and Information Technology professionals to this
conference to gain knowledge to better service to your institute. We
solicit their experienced and valuable contribution for the successful
organization of this mega event. Further information Please visit

The theme of the Conference is “Shaping the Information Paradigm”. The
conference will focus on creation, adoption, implementation and utilization
of digital libraries, e-learning and a knowledge society. Special
conference sessions and tutorials shall be devoted on the theme related
aspects to the digital library, the technologies applicable in open and
distance education system. Please join to share your experience and
networking opportunities.

You are also requested to pass on this information to fellow professionals:

Please note:
1. 50 Internationally renowned speakers will share their view
2. Awards will be given for Best paper and best poster
3. Selected paper will be published World Digital Library: An International

International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL)
Shaping the Information Paradigm
New Delhi * 23 – 26 February 2010

Venue:      Conference at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi • 24–26 February
            Tutorial at IGNOU, Convention Centre, New Delhi • 23 February

Important dates

Submission of full papers 15 September 2009
Notification of acceptance of paper with comments 30 October 2009
Submission of the final paper after incorporating comments 30 November 2009

Further details, please contact:

Organizing Secretary
ICDL Secretariat
TERI, Darbari Seth Block,
IHC Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi – 110 003, India
Telephone 24682138, 24682100, 41504900
Fax 24682144, 24682145
E-mail icdl at teri.res.in
Web www.teriin.org/events/icdl
India +91 • Delhi (0)11

With warm regards,
Yours sincerely,

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