[Asis-l] Invitation to the International Reception

Bowen, Aaron asbowen at csuchico.edu
Fri Oct 30 12:58:10 EDT 2009

Hello everyone,

Wow, the meeting is almost upon us.  I look forward to seeing you all there!  I would also like to invite you all to this year's International Reception, which will be held at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting on Monday, November 9, 2009, at 8pm.  At the reception you will be able to meet and congratulate this year's International Paper Contest winner and mix with colleagues from all over the world.

SIG-III will hold its annual InfoShare Silent Auction at the event.  If you have items you would like to donate to the Silent Auction, please contact InfoShare Officers Abebe Rorissa (arorissa at albany.edu) or Sarah Emmerson (saemmerson at yahoo.com), and bring your items to the conference with you.  We will also have our annual Raffle Ticket Sale at the Reception.  The prize in the Raffle is a gift basket put together by the local chapter of ASIS&T, with locally produced products and goodies. If you have something small and new that you could contribute for the basket, please contact Abebe or Sarah and bring it to the conference as well.  All proceeds from the Silent Auction and Raffle Ticket Sale will go to the SIG-III InfoShare Fund, which offers ASIS&T memberships to information professionals in developing countries for whom the cost of membership would otherwise be a financial burden.

Thank you for your support! Come enjoy yourself at the International Reception! International attire is encouraged!

Aaron Bowen
Chair, SIG-III

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