[Asis-l] How Do I Create An EBSCOhost Mobile Profile In EBSCOadmin?

gerrymck gerry.mckiernan at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 16:17:42 EST 2009


How To Configure The EBSCOhost Mobile >>>


In order to use EBSCOhost Mobile, administrators must first create an
EBSCOhost Mobile profile in EBSCOadmin and add databases to the

To create an EBSCOhost Mobile profile:

1.Log into EBSCOadmin at http://eadmin.ebscohost.com.

2.Click the Customize Services Tab and choose the desired user group
from the Current Group drop-down list.

3.Click the Profile Maintenance link to create the new profile.

4.Click the Add a New Profile link.

5.Enter a Profile ID and Description for the EBSCOhost Mobile profile.

6.Select Mobile Smartphone from the interface drop-down menu then click Submit.

7.Click the Back To Customize Services link.

To Add Databases to the EBSCOhost Mobile Profile:


!!! Thanks To / Julien Sicot /  Rennes, France / For The HeadsUp !!!

Links To Full Instructions Available At

[ http://tinyurl.com/yaxooqv  ]


Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu

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