[Asis-l] ASIST '09> 5th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium (SIG SI)

Howard Rosenbaum hrosenba at indiana.edu
Mon Nov 2 11:38:33 EST 2009

The 5th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium (SIG SI, co- 
sponsored by SIG-CRIT)
People, information, technology: The social analysis of computing in a  
diverse and pluralistic world.

Saturday, November 7, 2009, 8:30-12:30 PM; Hyatt Regency Vancouver

The purpose of this ASIST preconference research symposium is to  
disseminate current research and research in progress that investigate  
the social aspects of information and communications technologies  
(ICT) across all areas of ASIST.  The symposium includes members of  
many SIGs and defines "social" broadly to include critical and  
historical approaches as well as contemporary social analysis. It also  
defines "technology" broadly to include traditional technologies   
(i.e., paper), state-of-the-art computer systems, and mobile and  
pervasive devices.

This year's theme is "People, information, technology: The social  
analysis of computing in a diverse and pluralistic world” In keeping  
with the theme of the conference, the symposium is soliciting work  
that focuses on the mutual shaping of people and information as  
mediated by ICTs.

We are pleased to announce that the keynote address at this year's  
symposium will be given by Dr. Steve Sawyer, School of Information  
Studies, Syracuse University.


8:30-9:00: Stephen Paling and Crystle Martin, University of Wisconsin- 
"Transformative Use of Information Technology in American Literary  
Writing: A Survey of Literary Community Members"

9:00-9:30: Wayne Buente, Indiana University:
"Can 'digital citizenship' effectively support 'ordinary citizens'?"

9:30-10:00: Frederic D. Stutzman, Valeda B. Stull, Cheryl A. Thompson,  
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill:
"The Supportive Behaviors of Older Social Network Site Users"

10:00-10:15 Break - posters

10:15-10:45: Gary Burnett, Kathleen Burnett, Charles C. Hinnant,  
Michelle M. Kazmer, Paul Marty, and Besiki Stvilia, Florida State  
"Virtual scientific teams: Life-cycle formation and long-term  
scientific collaboration"

10:45-11:15: Katriina Byström and Jan Nolin, University of Borås and  
University of Gothenburg:
"Varied expectations of different actors on ICT in an organization"

11:15-11:45: Neal Thomas, McGill University:
"Productive Differences in Social Computing"

11:45-12:30: Steve Sawyer, Syracuse University: Keynote address
"Advancing social Informatics"

This will be followed by a networking lunch with members of SIG-USE

NOTE: SIG-SI business meeting will br on Tuesday, 11/10 from  
10:00-11:00 in Room B, Constable

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