[Asis-l] PPTS For "The Future Of Research And Scholarship: Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile" | Ireland | June 2009 | Presentations

McKiernan, Gerard [LIB] gerrymck at iastate.edu
Mon Jun 22 14:31:37 EDT 2009



I am pleased to announce the availability of my presentations that were recently given in Ireland earlier this month:


The Paradigms They Are A-Changin' > The Future Of Research And Scholarship: Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile


There are four major themes that are and will become the context and framework of research and scholarship in the 21st Century: Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile:


Open > 


Open Access / Open Data / Open Peer Review / Open Research


Semantic >


Audio / Interactivity / Supplemental Content / Video


Social > 


Science Blogging / Social Bookmarking / Social Networking / Social Software


Mobile > 


Mobile Access / Mobile Content / Mobile Data / Mobile Research


In scheduled presentation(s), we will briefly profile select developments related to these major themes and speculate on their potential evolution and impact on research and scholarship in the coming decade(s).


I would like to publicly thank the following individuals/organizations for their support, generosity, and hospitality during our Magical Visit To Ireland 


National Library Of Ireland, Dublin


Joanna Finegan / Assistant Keeper / Education & Outreach / National Library of Ireland, Dublin 


Sarah Shiel / Executive Education Assistant / Education & Outreach / National Library of Ireland, Dublin


National University of Ireland, Galway


John Cox / Acting Librarian / James Hardiman Library /National University of Ireland, Galway 


Niall McSweeney / Head of Information / James Hardiman Library / National University of Ireland, Galway 


University College Cork, Cork 


Crónán Ó Doibhlin /Sub-Librarian / Special Collections, Archives & Repository Services / George Boole Library / University College Cork


Stephen Yearl / Library Digital Projects Officer / George Boole Library / University College Cork


Ionad Bairre / University College Cork 


University of Limerick, Limerick


Mícheál Ó hAodha / Librarian, Science & Engineering (CSIS, ECE, MAE, MOE) / Lewis L. Glucksman Library / University of Limerick


Brian Fitzgerald / Vice-President Research / Frederick A Krehbiel II Chair in Innovation in Global Business & Technology/ University of Limerick


Institute for the Study of Knowledge in Society / University of Limerick 


Iowa State University Library 


Travel and Research Funds Committee


All Presentation Are Accessible From


[ http://tinyurl.com/pwp8nf  ]  


Happy Monday !




Gerry McKiernan

Associate Professor

Science and Technology Librarian

Iowa State University Library

Ames IA 50011


gerrymck at iastate.edu 


There Are No Answers, Only Solutions / Old Irish Saying




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