[Asis-l] Soliciting nominations for best library practices using cutting-edge technology

Alan Inouye alaninouye.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 07:28:58 EDT 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Library Association’s (ALA) Office for
Information Technology Policy (OITP) is soliciting nominations for best
library practices using cutting-edge technology.

“We want to showcase libraries that are serving their communities with novel
and innovative methods and provide the library community with some
successful models for delivering quality library service in new ways,” said
Vivian Pisano, Chair of OITP’s America’s Libraries for the 21st Century

Nominations should be sent to the American Library Association, Office for
Information Technology Policy, 1615 New Hampshire Avenue NW, 1st Floor,
Washington, D.C. 20009 by September 1, 2009.  Details about the nomination
process and an online submission form are available on the OITP Web

The America’s Libraries for the 21st Century Subcommittee will review all
nominations and conduct selected interviews or site visits to identify those
libraries that are truly offering a best practice or most innovative
service.  Libraries or library service areas selected will be publicized via
the OITP Web site, highlighted through ALA publications, and featured in a
program at the ALA Annual Conference in 2010.
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