[Asis-l] Reminder: NAACL HLT 2009 Student Research Workshop, Deadline Jan 4

Diana Inkpen dianaz773 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 1 04:04:49 EST 2009

Reminder: NAACL HLT 2009 Student Research Workshop

Submission deadline: January 4, 2009


Paper Submission Deadline: Sunday, January 4th, 2009

Unless otherwise stated, all submissions are due by 11:59 PM EST

on the specified day.

1. General Invitation for Submissions

The Student Research Workshop is an established tradition at ACL

conferences. The workshop provides a venue for student researchers

investigating topics in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language

Processing to present their work and receive feedback from a general

audience as well as from panelists. The panelists are experienced

researchers who will prepare in-depth comments and questions in

advance of the presentation.

We would like to invite student researchers to submit their work to

the workshop. Since this workshop is an excellent opportunity to ask

for suggestions, to receive useful feedback and to run your ideas by

an international audience of researchers, the emphasis of the workshop

will be on work in progress. The research being presented can come

from any topic area within computational linguistics and is understood

to be applied to speech and/or text. A list of topic areas is provided

in the Call for Papers for the NAACL HLT 2009 Conference available at:


2. Submission Requirements

The emphasis of the workshop is original and unpublished research.

The papers should describe original work in progress. Students who

have settled on their thesis direction but still have significant

research left to do are particularly encouraged to submit their


Since the main purpose of presenting at the workshop is to exchange

ideas with other researchers and to receive helpful feedback for

further development of the work, papers should clearly indicate

directions for future research wherever appropriate.  Multi-authored

papers are acceptable if the first author of the paper is a student,

and the paper will be presented by a student author at the workshop.

Papers submitted for this workshop are eligible only if they have not

been presented at any other meeting with publicly available published

proceedings. Students who have already presented at an ACL/EACL/NAACL

Student Research Workshop may not submit to this workshop. They should

submit their papers to the main conference instead. It must be

indicated if a paper has been submitted to another conference or


3. Submission Procedure

Submission will be electronic using the paper submission web page



Submissions should follow the two-column format of ACL proceedings and

should not exceed six (6) pages, including references. We strongly

recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word style

files tailored for this year's conference. These files are available



A description of the format is available there in case you are unable

to use these style files directly. All submissions must be electronic:

please use the submission website above to submit your paper.

4. Reviewing Procedure

Reviewing of papers submitted to the Student Workshop will be managed

by the Student Workshop Co-Chairs, with the assistance of a team of

reviewers. Each submission will be matched with a mixed panel of

student and senior researchers for review. The final acceptance

decision will be based on the results of the review. Note that

reviewing of papers will be double-blind; therefore, please make sure

your paper shows the title, but no author information. You should

likewise not have any self identifying references anywhere in the

paper submitted for review. For example, rather than this: ''We showed

previously (Smith, 2001), ...'', use citations such as: ''Smith (2001)

previously showed ...''.

5. Schedule

The papers must be submitted no later than 11:59 EST, January 4th,

2008. No papers received after this deadline will be accepted.

Acknowledgment will be emailed soon after receipt. Notification of

acceptance will be sent to authors (by email) on February 23rd,

2009. Detailed formatting guidelines for the preparation of the final

camera-ready copy will be provided to authors with their acceptance


Important Dates:

Papers due: Jan 4, 2008

Notification of acceptance: Feb 23, 2009

Camera ready papers due: Mar 31, 2009

Conference date: May 31-June 5, 2009

(The Student Research Workshop will be held during the NAACL HLT 2009


6. Contact Information

If you need to contact the Co-Chairs of the Student Workshop, please

use: cprose at cs.cmu.edu

An e-mail sent to this address will be forwarded to all Co-Chairs.

Carolyn Rose (Faculty Advisor) 
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Anoop Sarkar (Faculty Advisor) 
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Svetlana Stenchikova (Speech Co-Chair) 
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA

Ulrich Germann (NLP Co-Chair) 
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Chirag Shah (Information Retrieval Co-Chair) 
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

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