[Asis-l] NEASIS&T Student Travel Award Available for ASIS&T '09 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia

Tara Mani Dahal tmdahal at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 06:11:07 EST 2009

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Panagopoulos, Beata <
beata_panagopoulos at harvard.edu> wrote:

> neasis&t
> STUDENT TRAVEL AWARD AVAILABLE (Deadline: Friday, May 9, 2009)
> The American Society for Information Science & Technology, New England
> Chapter (NEASIS&T) is pleased to announce the availability of one award of
> up to $1000 to reimburse expenses for attendance at the ASIS&T Annual
> Meeting (November 6-11, 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada).
>  Applications must be received by Friday, May 9.  The winner will be
> notified by Tuesday, June 2.
> One award for the best paper in information science will be offered to
> student members of ASIS&T* in the New England, Upstate New York or Eastern
> Canada regions.  Students must be enrolled in an information science**
> master's or doctoral program.  The award is made based upon submission of a
> paper written during the 2008/2009 academic year on any topic in the field
> of information studies.  The paper may be one already submitted or one that
> will be submitted for course credit during this academic year.  In order to
> be reimbursed, the award winner will submit receipts substantiating travel
> and conference related expenses, such as costs for registration, airfare,
> food, and lodging.  The award winner will also be expected to meet with a
> NEASIS&T representative at the conference.
> Additional criteria:
> *           Papers must be written in English.
> *           Papers should be 10-15 pages long (250-300 words per page)
> *           Student must be sole author.
> *           More than one paper submission is allowed.
> *           Paper may also have been submitted to a conference, award
> competition, or to a journal for publication, as long as it was written
> during the 2008/09 academic year.
> The coversheet should include the following information:
> *           Applicant's name
> *           Address
> *           Phone number
> *           E-mail address
> *           School affiliation / information science program
> *           Student ID number
> *           Proof of ASIS&T membership (e.g.  ASIS&T member number, copy of
> email receipt of payment, or photocopy of check canceled by ASIS&T
> Headquarters)
> The ASIS&T Annual meeting is one of the most highly regarded meetings in
> the information science field.  It covers the breadth of activities and
> endeavors of the information community with technical sessions addressing
> specialties of the information professional.  The 2009 Annual Meeting,
> "Thriving on Diversity - Information Opportunities in a Pluralistic World" (
> http://www.asis.org/Conferences/AM09/am09cfp.html ) takes place November
> 6-11, 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
> *****************************************************************************
> Papers should be submitted as attachments and sent by email to:
> beata_panagopoulos at harvard.edu
> *You may join ASIS&T via the web at http://www.asist.org/membership.html
> **Terms describing information science programs are varied:  they may be
> called: Library and Information Studies, Information Science and Policy,
> Information and Library Science, Information Studies, etc.
> Questions?  Contact Beata at (617) 496-1775, e-mail:
> beata_panagopoulos at harvard.edu
> ________________________________________
> Asis-l mailing list
> Asis-l at asis.org
> http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo/asis-l

Dear Sir/Mm.,
      Thanks and grateful !  Have response, please !    सँघिय लोकतान्त्रीक
गणतन्त्र नेपाल !

* Req'  information resources & publ's..We have some e-learning packages for
exchange & distribution.

Tara Mani Dahal, Information and library specialist/
New Nepal Knowledge InformationConsortium(NNKIC); ASIS&T  &  ALA Member, .
former Database & Information Officer RONAST(NAST); Member, TULISD:
University Nepal, Kharibot_KumariMarg-63,BattishPutali, Kathmandu, NEPAL
नेपाल Tel.  977-1- 4495291
*fascinating e-learning packages:* UNESCO's WINISIS, WebLis;.CDS/ISIS &
Greenstone for librarians,scholars & information specialists
New Nepal Knowledge-Science Information Center(NNKIC)->
www.leydesdorff.net -->
www.success.co.il /
Cont..-> e-Democracy and intellectual freedom for New Nepal
--> :* UN Decl. : All human beings R born of free & equal right & dignity...

                    पत्राचारको लागी धन्यवाद !
I  apologoise for duplicate posting,
TM Dahal
 *  <http://yads.zedo.com//ads2/c?a=497887;x=3869;g=55,0;c=798000088,798000088;i=5;n=798;s=1;g=125;m=0;w=0;u=unknown;p=6;f=551010;h=548073;k=http://www.incredimail.com/?id=111343&ns=t>

[image: Red Roses email background][image: קונים תורמים - דבש. מקור: USDA]

 Greeting to New Democratic Nepal !
सँघिय लोकतान्त्रीक गणतन्त्र नेपाल !

Tara Mani Dahal,
Information and library specialist  : Tel: 977-1-4495291
Kharibot,  Kumari-Marg-63, Kathmandu, Nepal;   tmdahal at gmail.com
tmdahal at yahoo.com

*Greeting to New Democratic Nepal !*
TaraMani Dahal
Information & Database Specialist,
Battish-putali,  Kharibot, Kumari-Marg-63, Kathmandu, NEPAL:#Tel.
977-1-4495291 IT Officer, RONAST(NAST) (former) ;
ASIS&T; ALA Member,
(NEPAL) ,: Sub.Com'ttee Member, TULISD: University Nepal,

     सँघिय लोकतान्त्रीक गणतन्त्र नेपाल !

   *पत्राचारको लागि धन्यवाद !
   This page was last updated on 21 August 2008

  *  tmdahal at gmail.com,taramanidahal at hotmail.com
Battishputali, Kumari Marg-63,  Kathmandu** Nepal *

*                                        Circulate **-- *सँघिय लोकतान्त्रीक
गणतन्त्र नेपाल !
*Greeting to New Democratic Nepal !*

*[image: Home]*

*Sub.: CDS/ISIS  &  WINISIS Bibliographic Database by UNESCO**  ?Please have
yor response               *
*Sub: We R contributing fascinating e-Learning packages:* UNESCO's WINISIS;
Greenstone & WebLis & CDS/ISIS for scholars & information specialists.
*पत्राचारको लागि धन्यवाद*
 *As, I am contributing  UNESCO's WINISIS; Greenstone & WebLis & CDS/ISIS..
& e-learning packages:*
*We have exchange program, regarding resources sharing:*
*1. E-Learning and Web_applications.*
*2. On-Line computer/Digitalized Packages.(Virtual Library & KM Based..):
Unesco's WINISIS, WebLis, Greenstone...*
*3. We are covering the all the remote district of Nepal ( for Rural, Ethnic
& oppressed...)*
*4. As, an  ASIS & T & ALA Member (as Chapter_ NEPAL ), we may provide
virtual library database & knowledge based applications.*
*TaraMani Dahal
Information & Database Specialist,
IT Officer RONAST(NAST)  (previously)
Member, ASIS&T; ALA : Subject Committe Member, TULISD: University Nepal,
Kharibot_KumariMarg-63,BattishPutali,  Kathmandu, NEPAL.   नेपाल
Tel. 977-1- 4488531   tmdahal at gmail.com,taramanidahal at hotmail.com *
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