[Asis-l] Call for Papers - International Journal of ICT and Human Development (IJICTHD), IGI Global, USA

Dr. Susheel Chhabra susheel_chhabra at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 18 08:17:21 EST 2009

International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human
Development, An official publication of the Information Resources Management
Association www.igi-global.com/ijicthd


Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form)


We request for your contribution for submitting a manuscript for inclusion
in this scholarly journal. The following describes the mission, the coverage
and the guidelines for submission to IJICTHD.




The journal is aimed at creating awareness how ICTs can contribute to human
development in several areas. 

Therefore its overall objectives are:


- to describe the link between ICTs and human development (which includes
economic, social and political development).

- to identify the potential applications of ICTs for the development of
human beings.

- to provide insightful analysis about those factors (also contextual and
institutional ones) that affect ICTs for human development initiatives.

- to propose strategies (to both governments and international cooperation
organizations) to move forward and to address future challenges.




Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the

- ICTs and human empowerment

- ICTs and ethics

- ICTs and human rights

- ICTs and poverty alleviation

- ICTs and culture

- ICTs and education

- ICTs and governance

- ICTs and citizen participation

- ICTs and the environment

- The digital divide

- Knowledge for development

- Policy making with regard to ICTs for development

- ICTs and economic development

- ICTs and commerce

- ICTs and international cooperation

- ICTs and health

- ICTs and agriculture

- ICTs and disasters management

- ICTs and gender equality



Prospective authors should note that only original and previously
unpublished articles will be considered. INTERESTED AUTHORS MUST CONSULT THE
http://www.igi-global.com/development/author_info/guide.asp PRIOR TO


All article submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of the
Editorial Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review. Final
decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the
reviews received from the reviewers. All submissions must be forwarded
electronically to susheel_chhabra at hotmail.com.



The International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and
Human Development is published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.),
publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group
Reference) and "Medical Information Science Reference" imprints. For
additional information regarding the publisher, 

please visit www.igi-global.com. 


All inquiries and submissions should be should be directed to the attention


Dr. Susheel Chhabra


International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human

Email: susheel_chhabra at hotmail.com

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