[Asis-l] CFP for Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH)

Madhu Reddy mreddy at ist.psu.edu
Tue Dec 22 07:46:41 EST 2009

======== Call for Participation ========


Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare


April 11, 2010, Atlanta Georgia USA


Co-located with the annual CHI conference




Authors may present their work in one of two formats: Short Talks or
Interactive Posters. Short Talks are brief oral presentations by the
author, while interactive posters focus more on visual presentation and
discussion between the author and attendees around the poster. We expect
the majority of presentations to be interactive posters with a limited
subset of people invited to give short talks. If you do not want to be
considered for the short talk track, preferring only the poster
presentation format, please make this known to the chairs. See also the
WISH website:  http://www.chi2010.org/wish



Both short talk and posters should submit a four page paper in the ACM
extended abstracts format. Accepted submissions are published in the
WISH 2010 proceedings but not the ACM digital library. Authors retain
all copyright. We encourage preliminary ideas, design sketches,
experimental results, policy and theoretical contributions, works in
progress, and any other health and interactive systems related content.
The goal is to foster discussion, encourage broad ideas, and bring
together a wide interdisciplinary audience.  A submission should



      * A concise description of the idea(s)


      * Results, findings, or theoretical discussion


      * The implications of the work to the interdisciplinary community
who may be present


      * Recommendations for further investigation Full literature
searches are not expected, although relevant citations should be

The paper and abstract, as submitted for review, will be regarded as the
final publication-ready version of your submission. Therefore, the
abstract and paper submission must be clearly written, carefully
proofread, and correctly formatted.


***How to Submit***

Upload your submission in PDF format to the WISH Electronic Submission
Web site at https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/WISH2010/ by 5:00pm PST

6 January 2010. Follow the instructions for the file upload and enter
the requested information, including author information, keywords, and
abstract. Note that the process of producing a PDF file of your
submission can sometimes cause changes in the length of the
contributions. Authors are advised to generate and check PDFs of their
submissions to verify that their final submission stays within the
length restrictions of the WISH submission process.


***NEW Mentoring Program***


We are pleased to offer a mentoring program to pair students, post-
doctoral researchers, and people relatively new to health+HCI research
(e.g., clinicians, junior faculty, people switching fields) with senior
members of the field.  This mentoring program will include a  

joint dinner with these individuals and some time for 1:1 meetings.   

We also hope to be able to offer fellowships to attend WISH and CHI
corresponding with this program.  The size of each grant will be decided
on a per-case basis and can be applied to registration, travel, and
lodging. Preference will be given to people who: (a) have demonstrated
need; (b) have not recently attended CHI and who might not otherwise
attend the conference; (c) have work accepted to the workshop; (d) are
at a stage in their careers that they would benefit from mentorship.


To request assistance, please e-mail the following info to
desney at microsoft.com

  and gillianrh at ics.uci.edu by Jan 30, 2009.




Affiliation (department and organization):

Brief Bio:

Position (e.g. student, faculty, clinician, etc):

Homepage (if available):


The last time you attended the CHI conference:

Title of Submission (if you have one):

Amount of support requested (specify if for registration, travel,
lodging, etc):


Please also attach CV that includes the name of your direct supervisor
or thesis advisor.


***Steering Committee***


WISH has an incredible steering committee, all of whom will be in
attendance at the event. This is a great opportunity to get into
conversation with all of these leaders in the field about your work.


Gregory Abowd           Georgia Tech

James G. Anderson       Purdue

Jakob Bardram           ITU Copenhagen

Karen Cheng             Charles Drew University

Kay Connelly            Indiana

Karen Courtney          University of Pittsburgh

Don Detmer              Virginia Tech

Gunther Eysenbach       University of Toronto

Sheba M. George         Charles Drew University

Bill Hersh              OHSU

Holly Jimison           OHSU

Bonnie Kaplan           Yale

Alex Mihalidis          University of Toronto

Margie Morris           Intel

Scooter Morris          UC San Francisco

Beth Mynatt             Georgia Tech

Vimla Patel             University of Texas, Houston

Wanda Pratt             University of Washington

Madhu Reddy             Pennsylvania State University

Philip Payne            Ohio State University

Cornie Scheffer         University of Stellenbosch

Chris Seebregts         South African Medical Research Council

Gerhard Troester        ETH Zurich




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