[Asis-l] CFP: JCDL 09 Workshop On Integrating Digital Library Content, with Computational Tools and Services

J. Stephen Downie jdownie at uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 9 10:35:15 EDT 2009

Workshop On Integrating Digital Library Content
with Computational Tools and Services

A Full Day Workshop

19 June 2009
ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2009)
Austin, Texas, USA

See http://www.music-ir.org/sgdl-workshop/sgdl-cfp.pdf for a more 
complete CFP.

Over the past ten years, the development, deployment and use of “first
generation” digital libraries (DL) have matured into a stable use 
paradigm: the browsing, searching and then retrieving of digital 
materials. With recent strides being made in the areas of data mining, 
high performance computing, semantic web, linked-data, and web-services, 
etc. exciting new opportunities are arising to create “second generation
digital libraries” (SGDL) by extending the standard DL use paradigm to
include the analysis of the retrieved materials in a tightly integrated 
manner. It is the purpose of this workshop to bring together all
those that are interested in creating SGDL systems by making this
analytic extension to the DL use paradigm a reality.

The workshop organizers are currently involved in several SGDL
technology projects that deal with both humanities and scientific data sets:

1. Networked Environment for Music Analysis
(NEMA; http://nema.lis.uiuc.edu)
2. Metadata Data Offer New Knowledge (MONK; http://monkproject.org)
3. MyExperiment (http://myexperiment.org)
4. Networked Environmental Sonic-Toolkits for Exploratory Research 
(NESTER; http://nester.lis.uiuc.edu)
5. The Software Environment for the Advancement of Scholarly Research
(SEASR; http://seasr.org) and its Meandre infrastructure system 

In order to encourage the exchange of technologies, experiences and
ideas, the workshop is soliciting participants drawn from the following 


a. Content Scholarship: Researchers, scholars and educators with
interest in more fully engaging with and more fully exploiting the 
content of digital libraries and similar repositories of digital materials

b. Content Provision: Digital librarians, digital archivists and data
curators, etc. who want to better serve their users by providing 
extended mechanisms by which uses can select, manipulate and then 
perform sophisticated analyses on the selected materials.


a. Digital Library Development: Digital library software developers and
administrators, etc. who are engaged at the coding level with the 
creation, modification and/or administration of digital library and 
digital repository software.

b. Tool and Service Development: Computer scientists, semantic
web/linked-data experts, web-services developers, data mining 
researchers, computation musicologists, and digital humanists, etc. who 
are developing analytic tools that should be better integrated into
digital library and digital repository installations.

3. Call for Participation:

We invite the participation of all interested parties. You may
participate at one or more level(s):

1. Presenter
2. Panelist
3. General Participant Presentations and/or demonstrations are solicited
that cover such topics as:

1. Prototype or deployed systems that have SGDL capabilities
2. Prototype or deployed analytic toolkits that could play a role in
creating SGDL systems
3. Use case scenarios based upon actual or intended SGDL capabilities
4. Intellectual property issues surrounding content accessibility and
5. Intellectual property issues surrounding the integration of foreign
tools into extant DL systems
(i.e., license incompatibilities).
6. Interface, security and user management issues
7. Computational infrastructure issues (i.e., providing compute cycles
for the analyses and storage of results)
8. Standards, either extant or proposed, that can help generalize the
integration process across unique collections and tools

Formal papers are not required. However, we do want to have an extended
abstracts 2-4 pages (JCDL format) for the demos and presentations along 
with appropriate presentation materials (copies of slides,
charts, etc.) for inclusion in the workshop information package.

Submission requirements:

Whether you want to participate as a General Participant, Presenter
and/or Panelist, we would like you to contact the Workshop Chair ASAP. 
We would like to have your name, background information, contact 
information, and the level at which wish to participate. For those 
wishing to present we would also appreciate brief abstract of your 
proposed lecture/demonstration along with any special equipment 
requirements. (NOTE: this does not constitute formal registration; it is
merely a means by which we can better plan the workshop).

Submission Information:

Send all expressions of interest, proposals, and questions, to the
Workshop Chair (with the subject line: SGDL Workshop),

J. Stephen Downie [jdownie at illinois.edu].


10 May 2009 for submitting proposals for lectures and/or demonstrations

10 June 2009 for submission of “camera ready” package materials.

Contact information for Workshop Chair:

Dr. J. Stephen Downie, Associate Professor
Graduate School of Library and Information Science,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
501 East Daniel St., Champaign, IL,
fax: (217) 244-3302
Email: jdownie at illinois.edu

    "Research funding makes the world a better place"
J. Stephen Downie, PhD
Associate Professor,
Graduate School of Library and Information Science; and,
Center Affiliate, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[Vox/Voicemail] (217) 649-3839
NEMA Project Home: http://nema.lis.uiuc.edu

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