[Asis-l] Congratulations to the 2008 ASIS&T Chapter of the Year: LACASIS!

Beata Panagopoulos beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu
Sat Oct 4 14:14:17 EDT 2008

Dear ASIS&T members:

The work of the 2008 ASIS&T Chapter of the Year Jury is finished and the 
results are in.  I would like to thank the members of the jury for their 
hard work determining this year's winner.  The members of the jury were: 
Janet Arth, Steve Hardin, Bo-Gay Tong Salvador, and Christine Connors. 

The nominations we received were a wonderful testament to the value and 
impact that the chapters have in their local information science and 
technology communities.  If you are lucky enough to live in an area where 
there is an active ASIS&T chapter,  check it out!  Attend a program and/or 
become involved.  It's a very rewarding experience. 

>From among the several excellent nominations we received, the Los Angeles 
Chapter soared to the top.  Please read the citation below to appreciate 
the breadth and depth of LACASIS activities.  I hope you all will be at 
the Awards Luncheon in Columbus on Tuesday, October 28 where the 
prestigious Chapter of the Year Award certificates will be bestowed on the 
LACASIS chapter representatives in attendance. 

Beata Panagopoulos
ASIS&T Chapter Assembly Director


2008 Chapter of the Year goes to the Los Angeles Chapter!

Once again, Chapter Assembly is pleased to announce that LACASIS is the 
2008 ASIS&T Chapter of the Year.  LACASIS has approximately twenty 
energetic members serving on chapter committees or working groups.   It 
has a strong recruitment and retention program, contacting potential, new, 
and non-renewed members personally by letter and offering them a host of 
ways to participate in the chapter’s many activities.  LACASIS 
collaborated with the local Special Libraries Association chapter twice 
this year:  in October, they cosponsored an event featuring SLA President 
Stephen Abrams on “Charting the Future of Libraries”; in December they 
organized the annual LACASIS/SLA-SLA-SCC Joint Holiday Program, a popular 
festive event.  In January, the Chapter honored Dr. Carol Tenopir with its 
Contributions to Information Science Award at the LACASIS Awards program. 
In February, the Annual Program called “Tag You’re It: A Dialog Between 
Social Tagging and Traditional Cataloging,” was a great success with 85 
attendees.  The event made over $1700 and serves as a model for 
programming that generates significant revenue.  In addition to the CISTA 
Award, the Chapter gives a student scholarship award to attend the ASIS&T 
annual meeting.  The Chapter publishes the award-winning wiki newsletter, 
OASIS, four times a year.  The depth and breadth of information in the 
newsletter is admirable; the frequency of publication is a particularly 
valuable service to the chapter given the geographic range it serves, 
including Hawaii. And finally, in line with LACASIS’s ongoing efforts to 
streamline chapter administration, they set up a “Business Wiki,” a 
private web-based collaboration space for board members to conduct chapter 

Hearty congratulations to the Los Angeles Chapter for another exemplary 
year of hard work and tremendous success.  You are an inspiration to us 

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