[Asis-l] CFP / CFW BIS 2009 conference (two weeks left for paper, four weeks for workshop proposals)

Dominik Flejter d.flejter at kie.ae.poznan.pl
Mon Nov 24 09:26:21 EST 2008

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to kindly remind you that there are still two weeks left
(until  Dec  7,  2008) to submit your work to 12th Intl. Conference on
Business Information Systems (BIS 2009), held in Poznan, Poland, 27-29
April   2009.  Conference  topics  are  related  to  business  process
management,  ontologies,  contextual  information  processing, content
retrieval  and filtering, collaboration and Web services. All accepted
papers  will  be  published  by  Springer in Lecture Notes in Business
Information  Processing  (LNBIP) series. For more details and call for
papers      please      visit      the     conference     Web     site

BIS  conference  has also an open call for workshops to be held during
the   conference   (Springer  LNBIP  post-proceedings).  The  workshop
proposals should be submitted not later than on Dec 20, 2008; however,
workshop  decisions  are  taken in a continuous mode, within two weeks
from  submission.  For  submission guidelines, have a look at the page
http://bis.kie.ae.poznan.pl/12th_bis/cfw.php?i=63 .

The  list  and  calls  for  papers  of  already accepted workshops are
available at http://bis.kie.ae.poznan.pl/12th_bis/ws.php?=63 .

Best regards,


Dominik Flejter < http://dominik.flejter.net/ >
Poznan University of Economics
Department of Information Systems < http://www.kie.ae.poznan.pl/ >
BIS 2009 Organizing Committee

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