[Asis-l] 2nd CFP: Workshop on Collaborative Information Retrieval

Gene Golovchinsky gene at fxpal.com
Mon Apr 28 16:46:34 EDT 2008

Reminder: Workshop submission deadline (May 2) is approaching!

*1st International Workshop on Collaborative Information Retrieval*

In conjunction with JCDL 2008
Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA June 16-20, 2008

Workshop Date: June 20, 2008

About this Workshop:

Support for explicit collaboration is becoming increasingly important
for certain kinds of collection-building activities in digital
libraries. In the last few years, several research groups have pursued
various issues related to collaboration during search. We can represent
collaboration in search on two dimensions - synchrony and intent.

Synchronous, explicit search has some interesting characteristics that
distinguish it from asynchronous, implicit collaborative search (e.g.,
collaborative filtering, recommendation engines). There is much more
emphasis on interaction, as the system has to not only communicate
search results to users, but also mediate some forms of communication
and data sharing among its users in near real time. There are new
algorithms that need to be invented that use inputs from multiple people
to produce search results, and new evaluation metrics need to be
invented that reflect the collaborative and interactive nature of the
task. Finally, we need to integrate the expertise of library and
information science researchers and practitioners by revisiting
real-world information seeking situations with an eye for explicit,
synchronous collaborative search.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers interested in
various aspects of small-team collaborative search to share ideas, to
stimulate research in the area, and to increase the visibility of this
emerging area. We expect to identify promising directions for further
exploration and to establish collaborative links among research groups.

We are looking for previously-unpublished contributions in the following
areas of collaborative search:

- *User Interfaces*: Shared awareness, coordination, communication,
interaction design, input and display devices, etc.
- *Retrieval Algorithms*: Coordination of input, fusion, distribution of
search results, modified ranking algorithms, etc.
- *Evaluation*: Novel evaluation methodology to assess collaborative
system performance and to compare different systems, novel metrics,
empirical study (qualitative and quantitative) of potential user groups
and applications, etc.

Please submit your position papers in PDF format by e-mail to
jeremy at fxpal.com. Papers should be in ACM format, and should be two to
four pages long.

Important Dates:

May 2, 2008 Deadline for paper submission
May 9, 2008 Notification to authors
May 16, 2008 Camera-ready copy due
May 19, 2008 JCDL Early Registration deadline
June 20, 2008 Workshop

Contributions will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of our
program committee.

Workshop Organization:

Jeremy Pickens, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc.
Gene Golovchinsky, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc.
Meredith Ringel Morris, Microsoft Research

Contact: jeremy at fxpal.com
Information about the workshop can be found at

Tentative program Committee:

Colum Foley, Dublin City University
Gene Golovchinsky, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc.
Diane Kelly, UNC Chapel Hill
Gary Marchionini, UNC Chapel Hill
Meredith Ringel Morris, Microsoft Research
Jeremy Pickens, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc.
Alan Smeaton, Dublin City University


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