[Asis-l] Call for Short Articles: Encyclopedia of Social Interaction Technologies

Tatyana Dumova tatyana.dumova at und.edu
Fri Sep 28 09:02:35 EDT 2007

Call for Short Articles: Encyclopedia of Social Interaction Technologies
Proposal Due Date: November 1, 2007

Please feel free to circulate this information to your colleagues.

The Encyclopedia of Social Interaction Technologies (to be published by
IGI Global) will offer a comprehensive view of the uses and applications
of social software in various contexts. The encyclopedia will provide
references to the most current information on the latest social software
developments written by experts from an array of disciplines. 

The range of topics includes, but is not limited to, the list below.
Contributors are encouraged to recommend additional topics in their
area(s) of expertise that are pertinent to the scope of the publication. 

Please forward your proposals (500-800 words) and contact information by
November 1, 2007 to the editors, Dr. Tatyana Dumova
(tatyana.dumova at und.edu) and Dr. Richard Fiordo
(richard.fiordo at und.edu), University of North Dakota, USA. Visit the IGI
Global web site at http://www.igi-pub.com/requests/details.asp?ID=231
for additional information.

Part I: Background and Development
Social software, social Web, and social capital
Social software: origin, architecture, and functions
Social software: background, deployment, and development
Social software: current and emerging trends
Social software: visionaries and minds

Part II: Concepts, Contexts, and Applications
Collaborative information and knowledge management
Data syndication 
RSS feeds and feed aggregators
Collaborative filtering of information
Collaborative categorization
Social citations
Social bookmarking
Social guides
Tagging and folksonomies
Blog search
Podcast search
Social search
Social libraries
Wiki-based online collaboration
Typology and functionality of blogs
Mobile social software
Social software and scientific research
Educational implications of social software
Social software and collaborative learning
Blogs in education
Educational wikis
Educational podcasts
Social software for distance learning
Social software and e-Democracy
Social software and electronic advocacy
Social software and e-Government
Political blogs
Political wikis
Citizen journalism
Economics of social software
Business aspects of social software
Corporate blogging
Corporate wikis
Social software at a workplace
Impact of social software on organizational culture
Social software for small business
Social software for nonprofit organizations
Social software for professional learning
Blogs and wikis in health care & medicine
Social software and e-health resources
Social software and voluntary health associations
Medical podcasts
Social software in medical education
Social software in community health care
Social software for community integration
Social software and community activism
Community-based wikis and blogs
Social mapping
Social software for development
Online social networks and services
Social software and personal networking
Using social software to form, continue, 
advance, and terminate relationships
Social software and interpersonal relations
Personal blogs
Family wikis
Travel wikis
Social shopping applications
Social software and media creation
Social production of content
Sharing and syndicating news
Social news networks
Social software and participatory media
Social software and entertainment
Video blogs
Celebrity blogs
Sports blogs
Social music
Photo and video sharing
Online social gaming
Social interaction in virtual worlds

Part III: Issues and Viewpoints
Social software and the information overload
Social software and the digital divide
Social software and generational gap
Social software: potential risks and negative effects
Creative Commons, copyleft, and copyright
Wikipedia phenomenon: pros and cons
Improper uses of social software
Social software usability
Legal issues
Ethical concerns
Issues of privacy and surveillance

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