[Asis-l] LIS Faculty Search, University of Michigan

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Thu Sep 27 10:14:18 EDT 2007

[Posted by request.  Dick Hill]

2008-09 LIS Faculty Search 
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor

The School of Information at the University of Michigan seeks outstanding
faculty candidates whose research builds on existing knowledge of
information access and use, and studies people and information (e.g., people
as users of information, libraries, technology, information behavior, human
information interaction), information tools and technologies (e.g.,
information creation, organization, retrieval, preservation), information
contexts (e.g., scholarly communication; digital libraries; educational,
informational, and cultural institutions; community informatics). Successful
candidates will teach in library and information science (LIS) at the
master’s level, add to existing course offerings, and will have the
opportunity to provide instruction and mentor students at the doctoral
level.  SI is consistently ranked among the top five LIS programs. This
search is part of a multi-year focus on LIS faculty hiring.

The School of Information was created around a shared belief that
information is fundamental in society, that advances in information
technology make it even more important now than it was in the past, and that
a more comprehensive approach to research and instruction is needed to
address the challenges raised by the information revolution. Faculty and
students are engaged in projects that focus on the dynamic interplay among
information, technology, and people. SI faculty come from diverse fields
such as library and information science, history, computer science,
psychology, economics, physics, education, political science, business, and
communication. MSI and Ph.D. students come from an even wider variety of
fields. SI faculty provide instruction at the master's and doctoral level,
engage in research in a multidisciplinary environment, mentor and advise
graduate students, and provide service to the School, the University, and
society. The School currently has 53 faculty; 45 doctoral students, and 345
students in its Master of Science in Information program. Detailed
information about the School, its mission, and its activities can be found
at http://www.si.umich.edu.

Positions are for tenure track faculty at the ranks Assistant/Associate/Full
Professor.  All candidates for these positions should have a Ph.D. in a
relevant field, research interests in LIS or IS, and be committed to working
in an interdisciplinary environment. 

Applicants should submit the following materials by Dec 5, 2007: a cover
letter, separate statements of research and teaching, a curriculum vita, a
list of references, and three representative publications.  Send these
materials electronically (as eight separate files) to JoAnne Kerr
(sifacultysearch at gmail.com), Office of the Dean, School of Information,
University of Michigan. The University of Michigan is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action educator and employer.

Soo Young Rieh
Assistant Professor 
School of Information, University of Michigan
304 West Hall
1085 South University Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107
Voice: (734) 647-8040    Fax: (734)764-2475

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