[Asis-l] Invitation: Leading by using Social Networks -- Leadership Development Program at ASIST 2007 Annual Meeting in Milwaukee

Penny OConnor pjo at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 1 19:54:21 EDT 2007

ASIST members and friends,

Don't miss this free event at the ASIST Annual Meeting.
You can register for it when you send your conference registration.



ASIS&T 2007 Annual Meeting
Sunday, October 21, 2007 5:30-6:30 pm

Moderator: Trudi Bellardo Hahn, Professor of Practice, University of
Maryland College of Information Studies
Speakers: Pascal Calarco, Head, Library Systems, University of Notre Dame
and Allison Brueckner, (SL alias:  Teofila Matova), cAliCo Information
Consulting, Principal, and Dexter District Library, Technology Librarian 

Second Life and Facebook offer different opportunities for group leaders.
Facebook is great for building a community presence that can be referenced
at anytime and provides more familiar forms of interaction such as messaging
and email. It only requires a computer with minimal capabilities. Second
Life is a 3D virtual world that offers, among many other things, real-time
meeting capability and exciting new forms of interaction, though the
technological demands are higher. Attend this session for an overview about
how each of these social networking tools facilitates leadership.

Though only a few years old, Facebook is the largest social networking
community, with over 30 million members worldwide. Originating in academe,
many from the information professions are active on Facebook, and this holds
potential to help growth and interest of millennial-age and other new
professionals to become involved in professional organizations, should we
reach out to them and try to build virtual community. Pascal Calarco has set
up an ASIS&T group on Facebook, now over 130 members throughout the world.
He will talk about this group and some of the virtual communities of
interest to library and information science, and how we can possibly
leverage this community to identify and grow future ASIS&T leaders.

Allison Brueckner will present on the various leadership styles which she
has observed and practiced for nine months in Second Life (SL), a 3D virtual
world.  Social networks inherently evolve and the evolution of leadership
styles used in SL has varied in degrees of success.  Ms. Brueckner will
discuss the technological challenges SL leadership faces, when executing
various projects and tasks.  She will also present the social impact this
virtual environment makes on leadership styles.  A demonstration in-world,
in Second Life, will also be given.

Trudi Bellardo Hahn is Professor of the Practice at the University of
Maryland, College of Information Studies. She formerly was the Executive
Director of the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information
Science. Earlier in her career, she managed a library instruction program,
directed educational programs for the Special Libraries Association, and was
on the faculties of Catholic University of America and the University of
Kentucky. She is a former president of ASIST and has been active in numerous
ASIST special interest groups, chapters, committees, conferences, and
juries. She won the ASIST Watson Davis Award and the Best Information
Science Book of 2003.

Allison Brueckner is the sole proprietor of cAliCo Information Consulting
and is a technology librarian for the Dexter District Library in Michigan.
She has three years work experience with non-for-profit research and
development organizations, five years academic library experience, five
years state government experience and eight years military experience.
Allison is an active member of the American Society for Information Science
& Technology (ASIS&T).  She has been a member since 1997 and has served in
several capacities such as Director-at-Large on the Board of Directors,
Board Liaison for the Leadership Development Committee, Chair of the
Strategic Marketing and Branding Task Force, and Secretary/Treasurer for the
Michigan Chapter.  Allison co-founded the Special Interest Group (SIG) on
Digital Libraries and served as its first SIG-DL Chair in 2000. She is also
the 2001 recipient of the James M. Cretsos Leadership Award.

Pascal Calarco is Head, Library Systems, University of Notre Dame. Pascal
has been active in ASIS&T since joining in 1996, and has served the Society
in several governance capacities over the years, including technical
sessions and panels chair for this meeting. He considers ASIS&T to be his
primary professional association. He is also a leader with the Ex Libris
Users of North America, and International Group of Ex Libris Users. He
enjoys campus radio volunteering, online gaming, tent camping, music, and
playing with his two kids when not working.

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