[Asis-l] INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Digital collections of periodicals in Italy and Europe

Elena Corradini elecorra at supereva.it
Mon May 14 16:04:24 EDT 2007

**Apologies for cross-postings**

The Regional Section of the Italian Library Association based in
Trentino-South Tyrol (Northern Italy) invites to the conference:

Digital collections of periodicals in Italy and Europe: standards,
practice, evaluation, perspectives
Arco (Trento, Italy), November 15-16th, 2007

Please have a look at the provisional programme and at the call for
posters and workshops in English below.
Please note that the official languages of the conference will be
English and Italian.
We are looking forward to meeting as many foreign colleagues as possible
at this conference.

website: www.aib.it/sezioni/taa/ (italian version; to be translated into
English in short)

Best regards

On behalf of the Section,
Elena Corradini, MA IIS
Vice-Chair of the Italian Library Association Trentino-South Tyrol
Regional Section
elenacorradini at freemail.it


November 15 (Palazzo dei Panni, via Segantini 9 – Arco)

15.00 Opening

15.30-17.00 Plenary session 1
GIOVANNI SOLIMINE (University La Sapienza in Rome),
VALDO PASQUI (University of Florence)
CRISTINA MAGLIANO (National Centre for the Union Catalogue - Rome)

17.00-17.30 Coffee break

17.30-19.00 Plenary session 2
CECILIA FURLANI (Michael Project - Multilingual Inventory of Cultural
Heritage in Europe)
KATIA PICCOLI (University of Trento)

In the evening, after-dinner social meeting at the Cafè of the Casinò
Municipale, Via delle Magnolie 1.

November 16 (Palazzo del Casinò Municipale, via delle Magnolie 1 – Arco)

9.00-10.30 Plenary session 3
FRANCESCA ROCCHETTI (Circe Project – Electronic Catalogue of European
Cultural Periodicals - University of Trento)
VALERIA TREVISAN (Library “Claudia Augusta”, Bolzano/Bozen)
CLAUDIA PARMEGGIANI (Public library “Augusta” in Perugia)

10.30-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-12.00 Plenary session 4
FREDERIQUE JOANNIC-SETA (National Library of France)

Lunch time

14.30-17.00 Workshop / Workshops

17.00 Closing session (Keynote to be confirmed)

On Friday 16th of November, in particolar during the coffee breaks and
in the afternoon, the participants are invited to attend the poster
session at the Casinò Municipale.


Librarians can get a glimpse of the various digital library projects
through the international professional literature. Quite often these
projects focus on the implementation process of the project, but rarely
on the analysis of data about actual use of websites and digital
collections, or about user satisfaction analysis.
As a parallel session to the conference in Arco (Trento, Italy), the
Trentino-South Tyrol Regional Committee of the Italian Library
Association provides a space to all those subjects, individuals and / or
institutions, who have begun tot race down user behaviour and
satisfaction related to digital collection accessible via the Internet
or local databases. Other evidence based practices such as evaluation of
the user-interface-requirements, are welcomed.
Submissions and contributions may be accepted both in the form of
workshops and / or posters.
Workshop sessions will be particularly welcomed for contributions made
by little-medium sized institutions (e.g. public libraries, museums in
town of less than 100,000 inhabitants), either alone or in cooperation
with other subjects.
Topics of interest are following:
- Evaluation of digitization projects for collections of periodicals
- User behaviour and satisfaction of digital collections of periodicals
Other proposals can be accepted by the Organizers only if complying with
the general themes of the conference. Submissions by information
professionals, librarians, Italian and foreign institutions are welcomed.

The Organizers will accept submission of proposals by May 31st, 2007 to
the e-mail address: taa at taa.aib.it with following data:

For workshops:
- Name + Surname of Author / Authors
- Affiliation / Address
- Curriculum Vitae of Author / Authors
- Title of the Workshop
- Abstract / Summary of the workshop (max 250 words)
- Time required for the workshop
- Presentation format / type (PowerPoint, video, other)
- Presentation requirements
- Max number of participants (if necessary)
The maximum number of participants allowed is 50 people. The duration of
the workshop can be either of 45’ or 1 h 30’.

For posters:
- Name + Surname of Author / Authors
- Affiliation / Address
- Curriculum Vitae of Author / Authors
- Title of the Poster
- Abstract / Summary of the poster (max 250 words)
The accepted maximum size will be one sheet A1 format (cm. 70 x 100) or
A maximum of 20 posters among those received will be accepted,
considering the content, which should address the general purpose of the

Final acceptance by September 15th, 2007.

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