[Asis-l] Knowledge Map of Information Science (fwd)

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Mon Mar 12 08:07:02 EDT 2007

[Posted by request.  Dick Hill]

 As you know, in 2003-2005 I conducted a mapping study, "Knowledge Map
 Of  Information Science <http://www.success.co.il/is/index.html", which was
 supported by a research grant from the Israel Science Foundation
<http://www.isf.org.il/english/default.asp(an organ of the Israel Academy of
Science and Humanities). This was a Critical Delphi study with an
interdisciplinary panel composed of 57 Leading  scholars from 16 countries.

 *Website & Forum.* The following
 *website*<http://www.success.co.il/is/index.html summarizes
 the findings of the study. You are invited to visit the
 refer your students and colleagues, and participate in *an academic
 discussion (Forum)* <http://www.success.co.il/is/forum.html on the
 theoretical foundations of the field.
 Please check your citations in the website. Please send me a link to
 Your  website, and I add the link next to your name. I am working on
 Translating the website to various languages. If you have any suggestions,
please let me know.

On this occasion I invite you to visit 2 other R&D projects:

 *Knowledge 2007: Map of Human  Knowledge

 Currently, the most updated version of the map can be found in
 *Knowledge 2007: Encyclopedic Portal to Wikipedia

 *Looking forward to your response.*

 With kind regards,
 Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
 Sincères salutations,

 Chaim Zins

Chaim Zins, PhD.
Knowledge Mapping Research
26 Hahaganah St, Jerusalem 97852, Israel;
Tel/Fax: 972-2-5816705
Email: chaim.zins at gmail.com
Homepage: www.success.co.il
Knowledge 2006: Map of Human Knowledge

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