[Asis-l] International Workshop on the Many Faces of Multimedia Semantics

P Pichappan ppichappan at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 13:18:04 EDT 2007

International Workshop on the Many Faces of Multimedia Semantics
ACM Multimedia 07

International Workshop on the Many Faces of Multimedia Semantics

September 28, 2007, University of Augsburg, Germany

The best papers would be published in IEEE Multimedia. Also selected
papers will be published in the Journal of Digital Information
Management (JDIM) (http://www.dirf.org/jdim)


Information is increasingly becoming ubiquitous and all-pervasive,
with the World-Wide Web as its primary repository. The rapid growth of
information on the Web creates new challenges for information
retrieval. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the
investigation and development of the next generation web – the
Semantic Web. The Semantic Web enables programs/agents to
automatically understand what data is about, and therefore, bridge
the, so-called, semantic gap between the ways in which users request
web resources and the real needs of those users, ultimately improving
the quality of web information retrieval.

Multimedia information has always been part of the Semantic Web
paradigm, but, in general, has been discussed very simplistically by
the Semantic Web community. We believe that, rather than trying to
discover a media object's hidden meaning, one should formulate ways of
managing media objects so as to help people make more intelligent use
of them. The relationship between users and media objects should be
studied. Media objects should be interpreted relative to the
particular goal or point-of-view of a particular user at a particular

Content-based descriptors are necessary to this process. Recently, a
major European wireless service provider managed to have all its
digital media content providers supply metadata in RDF, and saw their
revenues increase by 20% in three months.  Major search engines are in
the process of rolling out A/V search capabilities. At the same time,
such descriptions are definitely not sufficient. Context is also
important, and should be managed. The area of emergent multimedia
semantics has been initiated to study the measured interactions
between users and media objects, with the ultimate goal of trying to
satisfy the user community by providing them with the media objects
they require, based on their individual previous media interactions.

The arrival of Web 2.0 has added new paradigms to the media mix. Such
concepts as a folksonomy, a form of emergent semantics, introduces a
collaborative, dynamic approach to the generation of ontologies and
media object semantics. That such an approach results in a stable
semantics, though surprising, has been recently demonstrated.

List of Topics

We welcome all papers relevant to topics in multimedia semantics,
including those at the confluence of multimedia information
management, the Semantic Web, and Web 2.0, such as
* Multimedia ontologies
* Media ontology learning
* Multimedia extraction and annotation
* Semantics-based search and integration of multimedia and digital content
* Emergent semantics
* Folksonomies
* Genre detection
* Semantics enabled multimedia applications (including search,
browsing, retrieval, visualization)
* Semantics enabled networks and middleware for multimedia applications
* Semantic metadata for mobile applications
* Approaches using metadata standards such as MPEG-7
* Industrial use-cases and applications
* Event representation and detection
* Conceptual clustering
* Computational semiotics
* Intelligent browsing and visualization
* Semi-automatic and automatic methods for multimedia annotation
* Spectral methods
* Perception and cognition
* Media Web mining
* User interfaces
* Modeling and recognition of visual objects and actions
* Multisensory data integration and fusion for decision making

Important Dates

June 25, 2007  Submissions due
July 9, 2007 Acceptance notification
July 13, 2007  Camera-ready papers due

This will be a one-day workshop. Keynote speach: Amit Sheth, Kno.e.sis
Center, Wright State University"Realizing the Relationship Web:
Morphing information access on the Web from today's document- and
entity-centric paradigm to a relationship-centric paradigm"

William Grosky, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA (wgrosky at umich.edu)
Farshad Fotouhi, Wayne State University, USA (fotouhi at wayne.edu)
Peter Stanchev, Kettering University, USA (pstanche at kettering.edu)

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