[Asis-l] Call for Manuscripts - Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship

Bonnie Tijerina bonnie.tijerina at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 13:46:01 EDT 2007

The Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship(JERL) is a
peer-reviewed journal concerning issues in electronic resources
librarianship. The journal is published quarterly by The Haworth Press
(Taylor & Francis). Submissions are being accepted for the inaugural
and future issues of this journal.

This journal aims to inform librarians and other information
professionals about evolving work-related processes and procedures,
current research and the latest news on topics related to electronic
resources and the digital environment's impact on collecting,
acquiring and making accessible library materials.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Collecting electronic resources
• Assessment/evaluation of e-resources, Collection planning, Balancing
Electronic with print, Determining value of e-resources, Policies and
procedures in maintenance of digital resources and collections

Managing electronic collections
• Licensing, negotiation, and alternatives, Stewardship and
Preservation of e-resources, Standards, Cross-functional
work/workflow, Library-vendor relations

Making digital collections accessible to users
• User preferences and expectations, Digital Rights Management,
E-resources delivery/promotion, Information needs and behavior of
users, Marketing and promotion of e-resources, Search & Locate Tools

Scholarly Communication issues
• Intellectual Property, Copyright and Fair Use, History of
publishing, Changing nature of research in digital environment,
Economics of e-resources in libraries

Digital Libraries and digital collections
• Digitization/re-digitization projects, Digital repositories within
the larger collection

Changing environment and the effects on libraries
• Planning the digital future, Changing nature of librarianship,
Organizational change, Collaboration/collaborative work environments

JERL strives to find a balance between original, scholarly research, and
practical communications about relevant topics in electronic resources

The journal will publish the following types of articles:
• Peer-reviewed articles of a scholarly (original research) nature
• Practice-related articles, such as case studies or pieces on the
state of the field/new areas of work
• Review articles of books, conferences, and other resources of
interest in the field
• Editorial/guest columns on topics of interest to those who work with
electronic resources

Query letters to the editor to determine suitability for the Journal
of Electronic Resources Librarianship are welcome.

Bonnie Tijerina
Editor, Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship

Bonnie Tijerina
Electronic Resources Coordinator, Collection Development
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library and Information Center
Atlanta, GA 30332-0900
AIM: bltijerina
bonnie.tijerina at library.gatech.edu

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