[Asis-l] ADCS 2006 - Call for Papers

Baden Hughes badenh at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Thu Sep 14 02:48:32 EDT 2006

The URL below should be http://www.adcs06.fit.qut.edu.au/ :-)


On 9/14/06, Professor Amanda Spink <ah.spink at qut.edu.au> wrote:
> ADCS 2006 Call for Papers
> -------------------------
> ADCS 2006 is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners in document management and information retrieval to meet and present their work. The symposium aims to cover all aspects of Document Computing – issues ranging from the fundamentals of document architectures and standards for markup, through storage, management, retrieval, authentication and workflow, to active and virtual documents. The symposium will emphasise both commercial and academic issues by encouraging a variety of submissions.
> The Eleventh Australasian Document Computing Symposium (ADCS 2006) will be hosted by the Faculty of Information Technologies at The Queensland University of Technology  on Monday 11 December, 2006.
> Website
> www.adcs06.fit.qut.au
> Topics of interest
> The symposium topics include (but are not restricted to) the following:
> * Digital Libraries
> * Document Databases
> * Document Management
> * Document Standards (XML, SGML etc)
> * Document Workflow
> * Information Retrieval
> * Multimedia Document Management
> * Multimedia Resource Discovery
> * Personalised Documents
> Important dates
> Deadline for submissions: 9 October 2006
> Notification of acceptance: 13 November 2006
> Final version due: 20 November 2006
> Symposium: 11 December 2006
> Submissions
> All the submissions must be sent to the Program chairs at
> ah.spink at qut.edu.au
> Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the symposium to present the work. Please note that it is insufficient for an author to register and pay for the symposium to be regarded as fulfilling his/her obligation.
> Full papers
> Full papers should describe new contributions or analyse research issues. These papers should be at most 3000 words long. Please refer to the guidelines for papers on the conference web page.
> Posters, Short papers and Industry Status Reports
> To encourage participation by industry and to provide a place for work of a more speculative nature, ADCS invites submissions for short papers, up to a maximum of 1500 words. A typical proposal might describe a leading-edge solution to a practical problem in document management. Short papers follow the same format as for full papers. The mode of presentation of short papers is via a poster session. Accepted short papers will be included in a separate section of the proceedings.
> Demonstrations
> If you would like to give a demonstration of your system, please submit an abstract following the same format as for full papers. A printed proceedings of the papers will be distributed to participants at the symposium. Electronic copies of the papers will be made available on the website after the symposium.
> Program Organisation
> Conference Chair
> Peter Bruza (Queensland University of Technology)
> Program Co-Chairs
> Amanda Spink (Queensland University of Technology)
> Ross Wilkinson (CSIRO)
> Program Committee – see website.
> ***************************************
> Amanda Spink
> Professor of Information Technology
> Faculty of Information Technology
> Queensland University of Technology
> Gardens Point Campus
> 2 George St, GPO Box 2434
> Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
> http://www.fit.qut.edu.au
> Tel: 61-7-3864-9583 Fax: 61-7-3864-2703
> Email: ah.spink at qut.edu.au
> Homepage: http://sky.fit.qut.edu.au/~spinkah/
> ____
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