[Asis-l] Position Announcement: EBSCO Endowed Chair in Library Services at The University of Alabama SLIS

Steven MacCall smaccall at bama.ua.edu
Tue Oct 31 10:15:43 EST 2006

Please excuse cross posting of this announcement. 


UA SLIS faculty will be available at ASIS&T and ALISE to provide information
and to answer questions about this position. See contact information below.




EBSCO Endowed Chair in Library Services

School of Library and Information Studies

College of Communication and Information Sciences

The University of Alabama


The University of Alabama invites nominations and applications for the EBSCO
Endowed Chair in Library Services in the School of Library and Information
Studies (SLIS). The chair provides a unique opportunity for an outstanding
scholar to further a research and teaching agenda that will have a
significant impact on LIS education and practice. Established in 1989 by
Elton B. Stephens, founder and Chairman of EBSCO Industries, it is the first
endowed chair in LIS education in North America. 


The holder of the EBSCO Endowed Chair in Library Services will have the
opportunity to shape the character and direction of the School as it
integrates the traditions of librarianship with the new technologies of Web
2.0; we aspire to be the library school of choice. Successful candidates
will be actively engaged in research, have an interdisciplinary approach to
teaching graduate and undergraduate students, and possess the ability to
work with multiple constituencies. The successful candidate will have
achieved widely-recognized stature based on scholarly and research
contributions in library services that are commensurate with a distinguished
chair holder. The candidate will hold a doctorate or equivalent, will
exhibit the ability to work effectively within the academic environment and
will be able to conceptualize and provide leadership in the ongoing
development of an LIS curriculum. A record of success in attracting doctoral
students and securing external funding is highly desirable.


The School, with 12 faculty members, offers an ALA-accredited masters
program and an MFA in the Book Arts, and contributes to an interdisciplinary
Ph.D. program and an undergraduate minor in the College of Communication and
Information Sciences. The MLIS is offered through both an on-campus degree
program and via two-way Web-based synchronous VoIP distance education. The
School provides an environment of collegiality and a dynamic learning
community for faculty and students.


SLIS Faculty engage in a broad range of scholarship, research and creative
endeavor. Recent output includes scholarly articles, books and a U.S. patent
for software applications related to digital libraries. The Book Arts
faculty has established significant ties with book artists in Cuba, with
whom they maintain an ongoing collaboration. Scholarly and creative activity
in both programs is dynamic and strong.


SLIS resides within the College of Communication and Information Sciences, a
vibrant, productive academic unit including the departments of Advertising
and Public Relations, Communication Studies, Journalism, and
Telecommunication and Film. The College provides superior research and media
production opportunities. The Institute for Communication and Information
Research conducts interdisciplinary research for government, private sector,
and media clients. The College's broadcast assets and media production
facilities are extensive, including the award-winning Center for Public
Television and Radio, four radio stations, and a commercial television
station that is one of only two operated in a U.S. university. The College
environment is a strong asset for SLIS and collaboration opportunities are
many within the collegiate context.


The University of Alabama is a growing senior comprehensive doctoral level
institution with a student population of 24,000. The University was
established in 1831 and is located in Tuscaloosa, a city of approximately
80,000, 50 miles from Birmingham and within driving distance of Atlanta,
Memphis, Nashville, New Orleans, the Gulf beaches and the Great Smoky
Mountains. Tuscaloosa's business community is diverse and enjoys a strong
cooperative relationship with the University. Major employers include
Mercedes Benz and JVC. An active arts community and diverse cultural,
recreational, and sports opportunities enrich the University environment.
The University is among the top 50 public universities in the nation
according to the recent U.S. News and World Report rankings.


Please send inquiries, applications or nominations to Dr. Steven MacCall,
Chair, Search Committee, School of Library and Information Studies, Box
870252, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0252 or by email to smaccall at bama.ua.edu. 


ALISE appointments with SLIS faculty may be made in advance of the annual
meeting in Seattle. Committee representatives will also be available for
informational discussions at the ASIST annual meeting in Austin.


Review of applications will begin November 15, 2006 and will continue until
position is filled. Appointment begins August 16, 2007. Salary based upon


The University of Alabama is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity





Steven L. MacCall, Ph.D.

Search Committee Chair

Associate Professor

School of Library and Information Studies

The University of Alabama

Box 870252

Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0252




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