[Asis-l] Content Alert: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57, 13

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Tue Oct 24 09:41:20 EDT 2006

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Volume 57, Issue 13, 2006.

Online ISSN: 1532-2890
Print ISSN: 1532-2882

Copyright C 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company


Pages: 1713-1714
In this issue
Carol L. Barry

Published Online: 24 Oct 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20536

Pages: 1715-1728
Toward an understanding of Web-based subscription database acceptance
Jong-Ae Kim

Published Online: 30 Aug 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20355

Pages: 1729-1739
Measuring online information seeking context, Part 1: Background and method
Diane Kelly

Published Online: 12 Sep 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20483

Pages: 1740-1749
Collaborative information synthesis I: A model of information behaviors of
scientists in medicine and public health
Catherine Blake, Wanda Pratt

Published Online: 31 Aug 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20487

Pages: 1750-1757
ASIS to ASIS&T: A society in transition?
Maureen L. Mackenzie

Published Online: 31 Aug 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20356

Pages: 1758-1770
What does it mean to be an author? The intersection of credit, contribution,
and collaboration in science
Jeremy P. Birnholtz

Published Online: 12 Sep 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20380

Pages: 1771-1779
Web crawling ethics revisited: Cost, privacy, and denial of service
Mike Thelwall, David Stuart

Published Online:  1 Sep 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20388

Pages: 1780-1793
Information arts and information science: Time to unite?
Murat Karamuftuoglu

Published Online: 12 Sep 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20381

Pages: 1794-1803
Intellectual property information: A comparative analysis of main
information providers
Mechtild Stock, Wolfgang G. Stock

Published Online: 12 Sep 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20498

Pages: 1804-1813
Measuring the utility of journals in the crime-psychology field: Beyond the
impact factor
Glenn D. Walters

Published Online: 12 Sep 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20382

Pages: 1814-1829
A dual-level analysis of the capability development process: A case study of
Shan Pan, Gary Pan, Ming H. Hsieh

Published Online: 12 Sep 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20384

Pages: 1830-1839
Comparative citation analysis of duplicate or highly related publications
Gerhard Knothe

Published Online: 12 Sep 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20409

Pages: 1840-1851
Article decay in the digital environment: An analysis of usage of OhioLINK
by date of publication, employing deep log methods
Paul Huntington, David Nicholas, Hamid R. Jamali, Carol Tenopir

Published Online: 12 Sep 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20383

Pages: 1852-1853
Deflating information: From science studies to documentation
Olof Sundin

Published Online:  3 Aug 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20447

Pages: 1854-1855
CODE: Collaborative ownership and the digital economy
Jeff Shantz

Published Online: 29 Aug 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20465

Pages: 1855-1858
Link analysis: An information science approach
Gerald Benoit

Published Online:  3 Aug 2006
DOI: 10.1002/asi.20466

Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

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