[Asis-l] FWD: Quantum and Biological Information Processing, UCF, Orlando, November 16-17, 2006

Athena Hoeppner athena at mail.ucf.edu
Tue Nov 14 10:49:19 EST 2006

>>> Campus News <campusnews at PEGASUS.CC.UCF.EDU> 13/Nov/06 11:51 >>>
Submitted by:  Vice President M.J. Soileau
Submitted for:  UCF I2Lab and Nano Center
SUBJ:  I2Lab and Nano Center Workshop, UCF Holiday Inn,  November
16-17, 2006

Dear colleagues,

I would like to call your attention to a workshop sponsored by the
I2Lab and the Nano Center that will take place at the UCF Holiday Inn
November 16th and 17th:

"Frontiers in Quantum and Biological Information Processing"

This event will bring together several leading researchers in
biological and quantum information to discuss current and future
in these fields. Among the people coming to UCF are: T. Berger (USC),
Bouwmeester (UCSB), L. Grover (Lucent), C. Marcus (Harvard), D. Steel
(Michigan), B. Wheeler (UIUC), and W. Zurek (LANL). It is a great
opportunity to gain some insight into some of the open problems of
areas. The program covers both experimental and theoretical aspects.

Detailed information about the program and the registration can be
found at the web site


Please, forward this announcement to your students and associates.

James Hickman, Michael Leuenberger, Dan Marinescu, Eduardo Mucciolo
Pawel Wocjan

If you have further questions, please contact Debbie Fry or Jay
at the Nano Center (882-1578).

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