[Asis-l] Watson Davis Award: Call for Nominations

Pascal V. Calarco pcalarco at nd.edu
Wed May 24 15:06:04 EDT 2006

Please consider nominating a worthy ASIS&T colleague for ASIS&T's 
highest award for service to the Society, the Watson Davis Award.

The Watson Davis Award, commemorating the founder of the Society, was 
established in 1975 and is administered by the Membership Committee.

The purpose of this award is to recognize that individual member of the 
Society who has shown continuous dedicated service to the membership 
through active participation in and support of ASIS&T programs, 
chapters, SIGs, committees, and publications.

Past winners include some of the most active and important leaders in 
the Society.  A complete list of awardees is available at:


Complete details for nominations are available at:


Thank you in advance for your time and effort in preparing your 
nomination!  If you have any questions regarding the award, please do 
not hesitate to contact me or any other jury member.

   Yours very truly,

    - pascal

2006 Watson Davis Award Jury
John Burgess
Pascal Calarco, Chair
Colleen Cuddy
Elise Lewis
Michel Menou

Pascal V. Calarco, MLIS
Head, Library Systems & Faculty of Economics Liaison
University Libraries of Notre Dame/
Michiana Academic Library Consortium
Notre Dame, IN USA 46556-5629
e-mail: pcalarco at nd.edu tel.: 574-631-3409

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