[Asis-l] CFP: Learning Inquiry - new journal

Jeremy Hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Wed Mar 1 19:25:12 EST 2006

Apologies for cross-posting

Call for papers

Learning Inquiry

A new journal from Springer

Editors: Jason Nolan and Jeremy Hunsinger

email: editors at learning-inquiry.info

Learning Inquiry is a refereed scholarly journal, devoted to  
establishing the area of "learning" as a focus for transdisciplinary  
study. The journal is a forum centered on learning that remains open  
to varied objects of inquiry, including machine, human, plant and  
animal learning as well as the processes of learning in business,  
government, and the professions, both in formal and informal  
environments. This journal is of importance to those interested in  
learning, understanding its contexts, and anticipating its future.  
The journal will also present special issues that identify the  
central areas of learning inquiry to provide focus for future  
research. Learning Inquiry strikes a balance between presenting  
innovative research and documenting current knowledge to foster a  
scholarly dialogue on learning that is independent of domain and  
methodological restrictions.

Editorial Board of Learning Inquiry
David Berliner, Arizona State University, USA
Megan Boler, University of Toronto, Canada
Erik De Corte, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Kattie Embree, Columbia University, USA
Charles Ess, Drury University, USA & Norwegian University of Science  
and Technology, Norway
Jim Garrison, Virginia Tech, USA
Henry Giroux, McMaster University, Canada
Mimi Ito, University of Southern California, USA & Keio University,  
Cushla Kapitzke, University of Queensland, Australia
Heinz Mandl, Ludwig Maximilians University, Germany
Kinshuk, Massey University, New Zealand
Penina Mlama, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Nuria Oliver, Microsoft, USA
Ann Renninger, Swarthmore College, USA
Ingvar Sigurgeirsson, Iceland University of Education, Iceland
Joel Weiss, University of Toronto, Canada

Submit Your Research to Learning Inquiry

Learning Inquiry is currently accepting manuscripts through our fully  
web-enabled online manuscript submission and review system.  
Manuscripts should be submitted at http://submit.learning- 
inquiry.info . Manuscripts should be written for an audience that is  
general in scope, and submissions can include essays, research  
articles, forums, and review articles that document the state of  
knowledge and recent developments in the field. Visit http:// 
springer.com/journal/11519 for further information and to sign up for  
information alerts about upcoming issues of Learning Inquiry.

ISSN 1558-2973 (print version) I ISSN 1558-2981 (electronic version)

Jeremy Hunsinger
Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
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