[Asis-l] IJEGR Special Issue Call for Papers

International Journal of Electronic Government Research ijegr at umbc.edu
Thu Jun 22 11:27:52 EDT 2006

Call For Papers

International Journal of
Electronic Government Research

Donald F. Norris
Published: Quarterly (print & electronic)
ISSN: 1548-3886 eISSN: 1548-3894

 Special Issue: E-Democracy in Australia and New Zealand: Practice and
The International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) is
soliciting high quality papers for a special issue of the journal on
E-Democracy in Australia and New Zealand: Practice and Innovation, to be
published as Volume 3, Issue No. 3, July-September 2007. We encourage
contributions from a variety of disciplines and perspectives in the
academic and practitioner community related to the mission of IJEGR with
respect to the theme of this Call for Paper.

The paper submission deadline for this special issue, 3(3), is October 1,

How are technological changes and innovations shaping democracy in
Australia and New Zealand? In this special issue we seek to ascertain the
current political and administrative responses to advances in information
and communication technologies by a detailed examination of e-democratic
initiatives at the national, state and territory, and local government
levels in these two nations.

We seek accurate, detailed and current accounts of e-democracy initiatives
at all levels of government in Australia and New Zealand for publication
in this special issue. Papers should focus on particular initiatives and
may also seek to evaluate larger practical and theoretical issues,
including but not limited to:

- Australia and New Zealand's standing internationally
- How e-democratic innovations have been adopted and adapted
- Barriers to e-democracy
-Impacts of e-democracy

The guest editor for this Special issue is:  Patrick Bishop, University of
Lancaster/Griffith University (p.bishop at lancaster.ac.uk).  The
Editor-in-Chief of the IJEGR is Donald F. Norris, University of Maryland,
Baltimore County (norris at umbc.edu).

IJEGR’s mission is to publish the very best original scholarly research on
the subject of electronic government, broadly defined, and to publish top
quality articles about electronic government in practice. The coverage of
the Journal is international and focused on original research in
e-Government applications, management and policy.

Submission Guidelines:
Papers must include significant original research findings.  The research
must be complete and make substantial theoretical and/or empirical
contributions to knowledge in the field.

If the manuscript is empirical, we welcome submissions that employ either
quantitative or qualitative methodologies or both.  For empirical
manuscripts, authors must clearly and concisely describe their research
methods, data or evidence, and analytical techniques.  Manuscripts that
are essentially speculative in nature, that lack a theoretical or
empirical base, and that are not grounded in prior research will not be

For the journal’s complete submission guidelines, go to:
.  Manuscripts that do not follow these guidelines regarding both
substance and format will be returned to their authors.

Review Process:
We employ a double-blind review for all manuscripts deemed to be
consistent with our submission guidelines. Manuscripts for this call must
be received, in electronic format (WORD), no later than October 1, 2006. 
All manuscripts must be sent directly to the editor at ijegr at umbc.edu. 
Authors will be notified upon receipt of their manuscripts and of the
outcome of the review process.  Any question relating to the submission
and acceptance process should be directed to the editor-in-chief of IJEGR.

For more information about the journal and about submitting your paper to
the International Journal of Electronic Government Research, please visit
our Web page at www.idea-group.com/ijegr.

The International Journal of Electronic Government Research is published
by Idea Group Inc., publisher of “Idea Group Publishing,” “Information
Science Publishing,” “IRM Press,” “CyberTech” and “Idea Group Reference”
imprints.  For additional information about the publisher, please visit
their Web site at www.idea-group.com.

International Journal of Electronic Government Research
Baltimore, MD 21250
ijegr at umbc.edu

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