[Asis-l] New Issue of Government Information Quarterly

John Bertot jbertot at fsu.edu
Tue Jun 6 09:58:40 EDT 2006

The editors (see below) of _Government Information Quarterly:  An
International Journal of Information and Technology Management, Policies,
and Practices_ are pleased to announce the release of Volume 21, number 1
(2005). The symposium issue, edited by Drs. Jamie P. Horsley and Harold C.
Relyea, explores issue in open government in China.  The issue also contains
other articles and reviews related to e-government, government documents,
and information policies and practices.

Issue 4 symposium articles include:

Introduction On Open Government Information Implementation by Jamie P.
Horsley pp. 5-10.
Introduction To Open Government Information Work By The Guangzhou Municipal
Government by Guangzhou Municipal Government Legal Affairs Office pp.
Guangzhou Municipal Provisions On Open Government Information Decree No. 8
of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government pp. 18-27.

Exploration And Practice In Promoting Shanghai Municipal Open Government
Information by Zhigang Qiao pp. 28-35.

Shanghai municipal provisions on open government information Shanghai
Municipal People's Government Decree No. 19 pp. 36-47.

Basic Situation Of Construction And Implementation Of The Open Government
Information System in Chongqing Municipality by Chongqing Municipal
Government Legal Affairs Office pp. 48-57.
Chongqing Municipal Interim Measures On Open Government Affairs Information 
 Chongqing Municipal People's Government Decree No. 17 pp. 58-65.
On the Implementation of Open Government Information in Xuhui District,
 Xuhui District People's Government pp. 66-72.


Electronic Government: Information Management Capacity, Organizational
Capabilities, And The Sourcing Mix by Hans Jochen Scholl pp. 73-96.
Determinants Of User Acceptance Of The E-Government Services: The Case Of
Online Tax Filing And Payment System by Shin-Yuan Hung, Chia-Ming Chang and
Ting-Jing Yu  pp. 97-122.
The Policy Implications of Internet Connectivity in Public Libraries by  
 Paul T. Jaeger, John Carlo Bertot, Charles R. McClure and Lesley A. Langa
pp. 123-141.

Planning and Evaluating Library Networked Services and Resources
Reviewed by Amos Lakos  pp.  142-144.

The Coast Mappers
Reviewed by Katherine H. Weimer p. 145.

Reviewed by  
Claudene Sproles pp. 146-147.
Government Innovators Network
Reviewed by Amy West pp. 147-148.
Lobbying for Libraries and Public Access to Government Information: An
insider's View
Reviewed by  Cassandra Hartnett pp.148-151.
Integrating Unpaid Work into National Policies 
Reviewed by Charles D. Bernholz pp. 151-153.

Invasivespecies.gov (The Nation's Invasive Species Information System).
http://www.invasivespecies.gov . 
Reviewed by  Barbie Selby pp. 153-156.
Places of Their Own: African American Suburbanization in the Twentieth
Reviewed by Tanya D. Finchum pp. 156-157.
The Power of Communication: Managing information in Public Organizations
Reviewed by Valerie D. Glenn pp. 157-158.

Government Information Quarterly is a quarterly publication of Elsevier
Science.  The journal explores such topics as information and
telecommunications policy; access to and use of government information;
information technology management, implementation, planning, and evaluation;
information services development, management, and provision in a distributed
networked environment; e-commerce in governments; service quality
assessment, benchmarking, and performance measurement; and, governing and
governance in a networked environment.  GIQ articles are available through
ScienceDirect at http://www.sciencedirect.com.

Additional information regarding the journal and journal submissions is
available at:  http://www.elsevier.com/locate/govinf.

ohn Carlo Bertot <jbertot at fsu.edu>, College of Information, Florida State
University serves as the journal editor.

Charles R. McClure <cmcclure at lis.fsu.edu>, College of Information, Florida
State University serves as the journal associate editor.

John A. Shuler <alfred at uic.edu>, Documents, Maps, Microforms, & Curriculum
Department, Univeristy of Illinois Chicago serves as journal assistant

Aimee C. Quinn <aquinn at uic.edu>, Government Documents Department, Univeristy
of Illinois Chicago serves as journal assistant editor. 

Suzanne Holcombe <suzanne.holcombe at okstate.edu>, Documents Department,
Oklahoma State University serves as reviews editor.

* John Carlo Bertot, Ph.D.                        Phone: (850) 644-8118 *
* Professor                                         Fax: (850) 644-4522 *
* College of Information                         Email: jbertot at fsu.edu *
* Florida State University               http://www.ii.fsu.edu/~jbertot *
* 101 Shores Building                                                   *
* Tallahassee, FL 32306-2100                                            *

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