[Asis-l] SIGIR 2006: Call for Posters and Demonstrations

Efthimis Efthimiadis efthimis at u.washington.edu
Thu Jan 26 00:33:57 EST 2006

SIGIR 2006: Call for Posters and Demonstrations


Call for Posters

Poster presentations offer researchers a unique opportunity to present
late-breaking results, significant work in progress, or research that is
best communicated in an interactive or graphical format. Poster
presentations further provide researchers with an opportunity to obtain
feedback about their work from a wide range of persons during the poster
session. Please note however, that posters describing work at the
proposal stage cannot be accepted.

Poster submissions are welcomed in any of the areas identified in the
call for papers. Two-page abstracts of posters will appear in the
conference proceedings.

Submissions must be in English and consist of an extended abstract (of 2
pages maximum in SIGIR format including references and figures) that
emphasizes the research problem and the methods being used. Submissions
should be in PDF format. 

As with research papers, authors are encouraged to conceal their
identity where it is practical to do so. Poster proposals must be
submitted by February 27, 2006. They must be submitted electronically
via the submission web page. http://www.sigir2006.org/submissions.asp

LaTeX and Word templates for SIGIR submissions are available from the
ACM Website.


Call for Demonstrations

Demonstrations present first-hand experience with research prototypes or
operational systems. They provide opportunities to exchange ideas gained
from implementing IR systems and to obtain feedback from expert users.
Demonstration submissions are welcomed in any of the areas identified in
the call for papers.  One-page demonstration abstracts will appear in
the conference proceedings.

Submissions must be in English and consist of an extended abstract (one
page in SIGIR format including references and figures) and an additional
one-page requirements description. The abstract should emphasize what
the implemented system aims to achieve, the major components of the
system, the novelty of the techniques that have been implemented, and
comparisons with comparable systems.  The requirements description
should identify the hardware, software and network access requirements
for the demonstration. Network connections and computers with standard
Web browsers can be provided upon request.  Proposals to demonstrate
systems that require more than a standard Web browser (e.g.
context-aware mobile systems or virtual reality systems) must explain
how the systems will be demonstrated at the conference.

Submissions should be in PDF format. 

Unlike posters and research papers, authors of demonstration proposals
are not expected to take measures to conceal their identity from
reviewers.  Demonstration proposals must be submitted by February 27,
2006.  They must be submitted electronically via the submission web
page. http://www.sigir2006.org/submissions.asp

LaTeX and Word templates for SIGIR submissions are available from the
ACM Website.


Important Dates

Note: On the due dates, submissions will remain open until 17:00 PST.
January 30, 2006, 5pm PST  Full Research Papers due 
February 27, 2006.  Poster, Demonstrations, Tutorial, Workshop, and
Doctoral Consortium submissions due 
April 10, 2006. Notification of acceptance for all submissions 

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Efthimis N. Efthimiadis <efthimis at u.washington.edu>
Associate Professor    
The Information School, University of Washington       
Suite 370 Mary Gates Hall, Box 352840     
Seattle, WA 98195-2840, USA     
tel.(off.) 206-616-6077, (sch) 206-685-9937, fax. 206-616-3152
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

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