[Asis-l] EXTENDED DEADLINE: Internet Research 7.0

Jeremy Hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Sat Feb 4 07:47:21 EST 2006

Distribute as appropriate, sorry for crossposting -j


By popular demand, we have extended the deadline for paper abstracts  
to 21
February - for full details, see below.


Internet Research 7.0, Brisbane 28-30 September 2006


International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of  
Internet Researchers

Brisbane, Australia
28-30 September 2006

Pre-Conference Workshops: 27 September 2006


The Internet works as an arena of convergence. Physically dispersed  
and marginalized people (re)find themselves online for the sake of  
sustaining and extending community. International and  
interdisciplinary teams now collaborate in new ways. Diverse cultures  
engage one another via CMC. These technologies relocate and refocus  
capital, labor and immigration, and they open up new possibilities  
for political, potentially democratizing, forms of discourse.  
Moreover, these technologies themselves converge in multiple ways,  
e.g. in Internet-enabled mobile phones, in Internet-based telephony,  
and in computers themselves as "digital appliances" that conjoin  
communication and multiple media forms. These technologies also  
facilitate fragmentations with greater disparities between the  
information-haves and have-nots, between winners and losers in the  
shifting labor and capital markets, and between individuals and  
communities. Additionally these technologies facilitate information  
filtering that reinforces, rather than dialogically challenges,  
narrow and extreme views.


Our conference theme invites papers and presentations based on  
empirical research, theoretical analysis and everything in between  
that explore the multiple ways the Internet acts in both converging  
and fragmenting ways - physical, cultural, technological, political,  
social - on local, regional, and global scales.

Without limiting possible proposals, topics of interest include:

- Theoretical and practical models of the Internet
- Internet convergence, divergence and fragmentation
- Networked flows of information, capital, labor, etc.
- Migrations and diasporas online
- Identity, community and global communication
- Regulation and control (national and global)
- Internet-based development and other economic issues
- Digital art and aesthetics
- Games and gaming on the Internet
- The Net generation
- E-Sectors, e.g. e-health, e-education, e-business

We call for papers, panel proposals, and presentations from any  
discipline, methodology, and community that address the theme of  
Internet Convergence. We particularly call for innovative, exciting,  
and unexpected takes on and interrogations of the conference theme.  
However, we always welcome submissions on any topics that address  
social, cultural, political, economic, and/or aesthetic aspects of  
the Internet and related Internet technologies. We are equally  
interested in interdisciplinary proposals as well as proposals from  
within specific disciplines.


We seek proposals for several different kinds of contributions. We  
welcome proposals for traditional academic conference papers, but we  
also encourage proposals for creative or aesthetic presentations that  
are distinct from a traditional written 'paper'. We welcome proposals  
for roundtable sessions that will focus on discussion and interaction  
among conference delegates, and we also welcome organized panel  
proposals that present a coherent group of papers on a single theme.

This year AoIR will also be using an alternative presentation format  
in which a dozen or so participants who wish to present a very short  
overview of their work to stimulate debate will gather together in a  
plenary session involving short presentations (no more than 5  
minutes) and extended discussion. All papers and presentations in  
this session will be reviewed in the normal manner. Further  
information will be available via the conference submission website.

- PAPERS (individual or multi-author) - submit abstract of 500-750 words

- SHORT PRESENTATIONS - submit abstract of 500-700 words

- CREATIVE OR AESTHETIC PRESENTATIONS - submit abstract of 500-700 words

- PANELS - submit a 250-500 word description of the panel theme and  
abstracts of the distinct papers or presentations

- ROUNDTABLE PROPOSALS - submit a statement indicating the nature of  
the roundtable discussion and interaction.

Papers, presentations and panels will be selected from the submitted  
proposals on the basis of multiple blind peer review, coordinated and  
overseen by the Program Chair. Each person is invited to submit a  
proposal for 1 paper or 1 presentation. People may also propose a  
panel of papers or presentations, of which their personal paper or  
presentation must be a part. You may submit an additional paper/ 
presentation of which you are the co-author as long as you are not  
presenting twice. You may submit a roundtable proposal as well.

Detailed information about submission and review is available at the  
conference submission website http://conferences.aoir.org. All  
proposals must be submitted electronically through this site.


All papers presented at the conference are eligible for publication  
in the Internet Research Annual, on the basis of competitive  
selection and review of full papers. Additionally, several publishing  
opportunities are expected to be available through journals, again  
based on peer-review of full papers. Details on the website.


Graduate students are strongly encouraged to submit proposals. Any  
student paper is eligible for consideration for the AoIR graduate  
student award. Students wishing to be a candidate for the Student  
Award must also send a final paper by 31 July 2006.


The IR7.0 Doctoral Colloquium offers PhD students working in Internet  
research or a related field a special forum on 27 September 2006  
where they will have a chance to present their research plans and  
discuss them with peers and established senior researchers.

Interested students should prepare a 2 page summary of their  
research. This should provide a context for the research, describe  
the methods being used, the progress to date and expectations and  
hopes from the colloquium. Please submit your 2 page application by 1  
April 2006 to Marcus Foth at m.foth at qut.edu.au

Applicants will be notified of acceptance by 1 June 2006. Successful  
applicants will be asked to prepare an 8 page paper on their research  
by 1 August 2006.

Doctoral Colloquium Host and Sponsor: Creative Industries Faculty  
Queensland University of Technology


Prior to the conference, there will be a limited number of pre- 
conference workshops which will provide participants with in-depth,  
hands-on and/or creative opportunities. We invite proposals for these  
pre-conference workshops. Local presenters are encouraged to propose  
workshops that will invite visiting researchers into their labs or  
studios or locales. Proposals should be no more than 1000 words, and  
should clearly outline the purpose, methodology, structure, costs,  
equipment and minimal attendance required, as well as explaining its  
relevance to the conference as a whole. Proposals will be accepted if  
they demonstrate that the workshop will add significantly to the  
overall program in terms of thematic depth, hands on experience, or  
local opportunities for scholarly or artistic connections. These  
proposals and all inquires regarding pre-conference proposals should  
be submitted as soon as possible to the Conference Chair and no later  
than 31 March 2006.


Final date for proposal submission: 21 February 2006

Presenter notification: 21 March 2006

Final workshop submission deadline: 31 March 2006

Submission for publication/student award: 31 July 2006

Submission for conference archive: 30 September 2006


Program Chair: Dr Fay Sudweeks, Murdoch University, Australia,  
f.sudweeks at murdoch.edu.au

Conference Chair: Dr Axel Bruns, Queensland University of Technology,  
Australia, a.bruns at qut.edu.au

President of AoIR: Dr Matthew Allen, Curtin University of Technology,  
Australia m.allen at curtin.edu.au

Association Website: http://www.aoir.org

Conference Website: http://conferences.aoir.org

jeremy hunsinger
jhuns at vt.edu

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