[Asis-l] CFP - International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB)

Jim Jansen jjansen at ist.psu.edu
Wed Aug 2 16:06:34 EDT 2006

International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB)


Call For papers


Special issue on Sponsored Search (Due date: 15 February 2007)


Guest Editors

Bernard J. Jansen, The Pennsylvania State University

Abdur Chowdhury, AOL and the Illinois Institute of Technology.



IJEB seeks articles for a special issue on sponsored search to appear in March / April 2008. In 1998, Idea Labs introduced the concept of sponsored search in a response to spam that was plaguing search engine results. The sponsored search model has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry that could, has, and is changing the way that information is delivered on the Web, search engines are financed, and organizations spend their advertising dollars. Because of its uniquely dynamic contextual interplay among participants, sponsored search has implications for marketing practices, information searching theories, advertising models, and Web systems, along with information architecture. This dynamic information seeking process has ramifications for how one views human information behavior in the vibrant, multi-actor environment of the Web. There are economic ramifications and potential consequences in terms of ecommerce, political discussions, educational issues, and social participation. Sponsored search, in other words, is both a rich area for research and an area with significant implications for businesses, systems, searchers, and content.


Subject Coverage

IJEB's special issue will be devoted to bringing together marketing professionals, computer scientists, information scientists, Web search researchers, economists, and Web entrepreneurs to address fundamental issues in designing sponsored search systems and propose ways to apply these systems to improve the quality of human life.


There are various important areas within the sponsored search paradigm of significant and broad appeal. How can one execute the bidding in a fair, effective, and efficient manner? What is the future search engine functionality needed to further enhance sponsored search? How do we maintain the health of the process in the face of click fraud? How must we refine our theoretical views and models of information searching and e-commerce? How can we modify our current theories and models to incorporate and include the content providers as active participants in the information searching process?


The coverage of IJEB includes, but is not limited to, the following subjects:

algorithmic implementations 
bidding strategies 
click fraud 
content providers 
online auctions 
ranking effect 
search engine marketing strategies 
search engine trust 
sponsored link creation 
user interfaces 
user studies

Notes for Intending Authors

Electronic submission is required. The manuscript in PDF format must be emailed to the guest editor. A complete submission must include three separate PDF files: (1) the cover letter, (2) the title page, and (3) the manuscript without authors' names. Please specify "IJEB Special Issue Submission" in the "Subject" of your e-mail message.

The submitted manuscripts should follow the formatting guidelines outlined in the "Paper submission requirements" available on the IJEB web site at http://www.icebnet.org/author/. Authors of accepted papers must follow the guidelines posted on the same web site for formatting the final version of their paper. For more information about the journal please visit the IJEB web site at http://www.icebnet.org/ijeb/.


Important Dates

Due date for full paper submissions: 15 February, 2007

Outcomes of initial screening sent to authors whose papers are rejected in the first round. First round reviews begin for remaining papers: 15 March 2007
Outcomes of first round reviews are sent to corresponding authors: 15 June 2007

Due date for resubmission of papers with required revisions: 15 August 2007

Final decision: 15 October 2007

Due date for authors of accepted papers to submit papers formatted according to instructions: 31 October 2007

Due date for guest editor to submit complete package: 15 November 2007


Further Information

Send inquiries to the guest editors at jjansen at ist.psu.edu (Jim Jansen) or cabdur at aol.com (Abdur Chowdhury).


Jim Jansen
Email: jjansen at acm.org
URL: http://ist.psu.edu/faculty_pages/jjansen/
Blog: http://jimjansen.blogspot.com/
Phone: 814-865-6459 Fax: 814-865-6426
College of Information Sciences and Technology
The Pennsylvania State University
329F Information Sciences and Technology Building
University Park, PA, 16802, USA


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