[Asis-l] Reminder: Call for book chapters--new SIG USE IB book

Diane Nahl nahl at hawaii.edu
Wed Sep 14 15:13:57 EDT 2005

Please pardon duplication.

Call for manuscripts for a peer-reviewed book: Emotional Design: The Emergent Affective 
Paradigm in Information Behavior Research and Theory. (Medford, New Jersey: Information 
Today, Inc.).

Editors: Diane Nahl (University of Hawaii at Manoa, Information and Computer Sciences 
Department, Library and Information Science Program) and Dania Bilal (University of 
Tennessee, Knoxville, College of Communication & Information, School of Information 

Important Dates:
Abstracts (500 words) due: September 30, 2005
Full papers due: February 28, 2006
Authors receive reviews: April 30, 2006
Final papers due: May 31, 2006
Anticipated publication: Late 2007

Submissions: Abstracts and manuscripts may be sent by attachment to the editors in RTF or 
MS Word format. Diane Nahl nahl at hawaii.edu or Dania Bilal dania at utk.edu

The purpose of this book is to establish a focus on affective and emotional dimensions in 
information behavior (IB) research, based upon recent theoretical developments and research 
findings in information science and the cognate fields of cognitive science, psychology, 
ethnomethodology, communication, and computer science. The affective paradigm 
established in this book traces its origins to early work in education and cognitive science. In 
1950, Erik Erikson published his still influential theory of socio-emotional development from 
birth to old age. In 1956, Benjamin Bloom, David Krathwohl and Bertram Masia published the 
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook II: Affective Domain that is still used to 
develop instruction according to the principle of internalization. In the late 1960?s, Herbert 
Simon (1967) identified emotion as a major challenge to cognitive science due to emotion?s 
determining effect on cognition (Motivational and emotional controls of cognition. 
Psychological Review 74(1): 29-39). 

This book introduces the new research areas of affective issues in situated information 
seeking and use, and the affective paradigm applied to IB in a variety of populations, cultures 
and contexts. The book is primarily concerned with IB research findings on the user 
perspective, the user experience and how emotional aspects can be mitigated or enhanced 
through design that is informed by use and by users who directly participate in information 
design. The chapters in the book will present IB research relating to a variety of theories, Web 
technologies, everyday settings, populations, communities, ages, ethnicities and cultures 
that are engaged in information seeking and use.

A significant 35-year trend in social sciences research has been the development of 
ethnographic, observational, and self-reporting methodologies capable of examining the 
higher mental and emotional processes involved in naturalistic or situated behavior. This 
user-based methodological trend is driven by the need to reduce artificiality by obtaining 
concurrent process data that is collected while behavior occurs. Cognitive and affective data 
that is inherent in actual situations is needed to create environments, systems, and services 
that are truly responsive to the needs of the individuals inhabiting and using these 
environments. Such data permit analyses of situated cognitive and affective processes, 
yielding much needed knowledge of the dynamic role of motivation, emotions, feelings, 
values and preferences in influencing choice-making and decision-making.

Over the past 25 years, information scientists have applied these methodologies to examine 
situated information processing and use in order to gain a fuller understanding of human IB. 
These methodologies have revealed the vital role of emotions and affect in information 
processing and use (early studies include: Wilson, 1981; Dervin, 1983; Nahl, 1985; Mellon, 
1986; Kuhlthau, 1988; Ingwerson, 1992; Bilal, 2000; among others). The benefits of a 
holistic approach to studying IB in context will include the development of new design 
principles that enable the creation of humane interfaces, services and information settings.

Related sub-disciplines have contributed useful research and theory, including Brenda 
Dervin?s sense-making (emerged in the 1970s), the positive bias effect in cognitive 
processing (emerged in 1983), emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1995), affective science 
(emerged in 1995), affective computing (Picard, 1997), affective neuroscience (emerged in 
1998), affective education (Steinberg, 1998), self-science (emerged in 1999) and positive 
psychology (emerged in 2000). Research in these cognate areas is germane to the study of 
the emotional aspects of IB, and much of it will be integrated for the first time into a 
coherent body of findings that inform IB research and theory. 

Partial Table of Contents:

Part 1: Establishing the Affective Paradigm in Information Behavior Research
The Affective Revolution in Information Behavior Research and Theory. Diane Nahl 
The Affective Paradigm and User Information Seeking. Dania Bilal
The Positive Bias Effect in Information Behavior. Diane Nahl

Part 2: Affective Information Behavior in Context
Affective Dimensions in Information Encountering. Sanda Erdelez (School of Information 
Science and Learning Technologies, University of Missouri-Columbia)
Information and Everyday Life. Karen Fisher (University of Washington, The Information 

Part 3: Children?s IB is Inherently Emotional
Emotional MetaData: Children's Responses to Books in the International
Children's Digital Library. Allison Druin, Sheri Massey & Ann Weeks (University of Maryland, 
College of Information Studies, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies)

Topics may include but are not limited to:
Affectively enabled system design
Augmented cognition studies
Affective dimensions of information seeking and use in various age groups (e.g., children, 
youth, seniors and the elderly, baby-boomers, Gen-X and Y, Millennials, etc.)
Affective aspects of information seeking and use in specific populations or specific settings
Emotion studies
Folksonomy studies
Humane system design
Online community studies
User experience studies
Value-sensitive design

Methods and analyses may include but are not limited to: focus groups, interviews, online 
discussion groups, participatory design, ethnographic analysis, content analysis, think-aloud 
protocol analysis, discourse analysis, speech act analysis, conversation analysis, interaction 
analysis, sense-making analysis and other forms of qualitative data analysis.

Copyright & Permissions: Proceeds from this book will go to ASIS&T SIG USE (Information 
Seeking and Use) to support five SIG USE awards. Contributors will sign a standard agreement 
assigning copyright to ASIS&T. Contributors are responsible for securing copyright 
permission by the manuscript submission deadline for the use of tables and figures that are 
not originally created for the submission. 

Content & Style: Contributors will use a standard ASIS&T style sheet and APA style for the 
references. Manuscripts are limited to 4-5,000 words inclusive of tables, figures and 
references. Manuscripts must be original, not previously published and have a major focus 
on the affective dimensions in information behavior. 

Important Dates:
Abstracts (500 words) due: September 30, 2005
Full papers due: February 28, 2006
Authors receive reviews: April 30, 2006
Final papers due: May 31, 2006
Anticipated publication: Late 2007

Submissions: Abstracts and manuscripts may be sent by attachment to the editors in RTF or 
MS Word format. Diane Nahl nahl at hawaii.edu or Dania Bilal dania at utk.edu

Editors' Bios:
Diane Nahl is Associate Professor at the University of Hawaii, Information & Computer 
Sciences Department, Library and Information Science Program. She holds a BA in 
Psychology, an MLS and a PhD in Communication and Information Sciences from the 
University of Hawaii. Her 20-year research program has focused on affective issues in 
information seeking, encompassing information behavior, information problem solving, 
human-system interaction, information technology literacy, and affective and cognitive 
information processing. 

Dania Bilal is an Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee, School of Information 
Sciences, College of Communication and Information. She holds a BS in Communications and 
Documentation from the College of Communication and Information Management at the 
Lebanese University (Beirut, Lebanon) and both an MSLS and a PhD in Library and Information 
Studies from Florida State University. Her research focuses on children and young adults' 
information seeking behavior, system design, human-computer interaction, cognitive and 
affective information seeking of children and adult users, and user-centered interface 
design, especially for young users.

Dr. Diane Nahl, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Information and Computer Sciences Department
Library and Information Science Program
1680 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI 96822
voice: 808-956-3494    FAX: 808-956-5835

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