[Asis-l] Watson Davis Award: Call for Nominations

Pascal V. Calarco pcalarco at nd.edu
Fri Jun 10 21:11:23 EDT 2005

The Watson Davis Award, the highest honor ASIST awards, recognizes someone "who has shown continuous dedicated service to the membership through active participation
in and support of ASIST programs, chapters, SIGs, committees, and publications."  

We are seeking nominations for this award.  Any ASIST member in good standing can nominate candidates for the award.  
Nomination materials must be received at ASIST Headquartere by July 15, 2005.

As with this award in 2004, nominations can again be submitted electronically this year -- see
http://www.softconf.com/asist/WatsonDavis/ for the award guidelines and instructions on submitting.  

We are also very happy to accept nominations in print as well.  Please see http://www.asis.org/awards/davis.htm for full details.

Please take this opportunity to let someone who's done a lot for ASIST know how much he or she is appreciated! 

Watson Davis Award Jury 2005
Pascal Calarco, Chair 
Colleen Cuddy
Myke Gluck
Elise Lewis
Michel Menou

Pascal V. Calarco, MLIS, AHIP
Head, Library Systems
University Libraries of Notre Dame/
Michiana Academic Library Consortium
Notre Dame, IN USA 46556-5629
e-mail: pcalarco at nd.edu tel.: 574-631-3409

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