[Asis-l] SOASIST Student Grant to Attend ASIS&T Annual Meeting

Ashton, Rosemary (LNG-DAY) rosemary.ashton at lexisnexis.com
Wed Jul 13 11:09:11 EDT 2005



SOASIST Student Grant to Attend ASIS&T Annual Meeting

Grant to attend ASIS <http://www.asis.org/Conferences/AM05/index.html> &T
Annual Meeting will be awarded for the best essay. 

The SOASIST competition is open to all students of information or library
science in Ohio and Kentucky. Entrants will write an essay of no more than
500 words on one of the following topics. 

1.	What does it mean to call Information Science a "science"?
2.	As an "Information Scientist" how will you add value to your own
life and the lives of others?
3.	Can Information Science change the world?
4.	Are library school graduates prepared to make the best use of new
information technologies?

Essays should be submitted by email no later than September 1, 2005 to
jill.sellers at lexisnexis.com <mailto:jill.sellers at lexisnexis.com>  or
rosemary.ashton at lexisnexis.com <mailto:rosemary.ashton at lexisnexis.com>  

Submissions will be evaluated by the SOASIST Board on clarity, originality,
persuasiveness and appropriateness to the organization's goals and mission.
There is no "right" answer to any of the questions; the Board is genuinely
curious to know what today's students think! 

Winners will be announced September 12, 2005, and will receive a grant of
$1000 against the expenses of attending the annual meeting. 

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