[Asis-l] Calling all Delaware and Baltimore-area ASIS&T members!

Nichole Kallas nkallas at usgs.gov
Mon Jan 10 12:47:05 EST 2005

Forgive cross-postings!


Potomac Valley is investigating programs and events in the Baltimore area.
If you have topics you'd like to learn more about, please send them in!

For those in Delaware who may feel lost due to geography, please let us
know how we can best support you.

Moved?  Changed jobs?  Please go to the ASIS&T website and update your
information.  This will help us provide better service and support to those
in our area.  http://www.asis.org/membership/addchange.html

Happy New Year, and be on the lookout for more great PVC programs.


Nichole Kallas
PVC Chair
PVC Home Page:  http://www.asis.org/Chapters/asispvc/index.html

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