[Asis-l] New Issue of Government Information Quarterly

John Bertot jbertot at fsu.edu
Fri Jan 7 12:17:52 EST 2005

The editors (see below) of _Government Information Quarterly:  An
International Journal of Information Technology Management, Policies, and
Practices_ are pleased to announce the release of Volume 21, number 4
(2004). The issue, guest edited by Jeffrey W. Seifert and Harlod C. Relyea,
contains a number of articles that explore information policy and practice
issues in a homeland security context.

Issue 4 articles include:

Do you know where your information is in the homeland security era?
Pages 399-405
Jeffrey W. Seifert and Harold C. Relyea

Electronic government: Government capability and terrorist resources 
Pages 406-419 
L. Elaine Halchin

Homeland security and information sharing: Federal policy considerations 
Pages 420-438 
Harold C. Relyea

FOIA, federal information policy, and information availability in a
post-9/11 world 
Pages 439-460 
Lotte E. Feinberg

Data mining and the search for security: Challenges for connecting the dots
and databases 
Pages 461-480 
Jeffrey W. Seifert

Old issues, new context: Privacy, information collection, and homeland
Pages 481-497 
Priscilla M. Regan

Privacy and security: Assessing database derivative activities 
Pages 498-504 
Robert Gellman

Issue 4 reviews include:

Homeland Security
Pages 505-513
Roger Anderson

In: Ralph G. Carter, Editors, Contemporary Cases in U.S. Foreign Policy:
>From Terrorism to Trade vol. xiv, CQ Press, Washington, DC (2002) ISBN
1-56802-646-3 418 pp. $29.95 (paper).  
Pages 514-515
Sarah C. Holmes


Government Information Quarterly is a quarterly publication of Elsevier
Science.  The journal explores such topics as information and
telecommunications policy; access to and use of government information;
information technology management, implementation, planning, and evaluation;
information services development, management, and provision in a distributed
networked environment; e-commerce in governments; service quality
assessment, benchmarking, and performance measurement; and, governing and
governance in a networked environment.

Additional information regarding the journal and journal submissions is
available at:  http://www.elsevier.com/locate/govinf

John Carlo Bertot <bertot at lis.fsu.edu>, School of Information Studies,
Florida State University serves as the journal editor.

Charles R. McClure <cmcclure at lis.fsu.edu>, School of Information Studies,
Florida State University serves as the journal associate editor.

John A. Shuler <alfred at uic.edu>, Documents, Maps, Microforms, & Curriculum
Department, Univeristy of Illinois Chicago serves as the journal assistant

Aimee C. Quinn <aquinn at uic.edu>, Government Documents Department, Univeristy
of Illinois Chicago serves as the journal reviews editor. 

* John Carlo Bertot, Ph.D.                        Phone: (850) 644-8118 *
* Professor                                         Fax: (850) 644-4522 *
* School of Information Studies             Email: bertot at lis.fsu.edu   *
* Florida State University        http://slis-two.lis.fsu.edu/~jcbertot *
* 101 Shores Building                                                   *
* Tallahassee, FL 32306-2100                                            *

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