[Asis-l] CFP: HCI Track at AMCIS 2005 (Omaha, NE; August 11-14, 2005)

Fiona Nah fnah at unlnotes.unl.edu
Sun Feb 20 23:14:32 EST 2005


Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2005 - Omaha, Nebraska
August 11-14, 2005 

AIS SIGHCI is sponsoring 7 mini-tracks under the HCI track at AMCIS 2005. 
These 7 mini-tracks are: 
(1) HCI with Mobile Devices (co-chairs: Peter Tarasewich and Fiona Nah) 
(2) Human Computer Interaction Models and Issues in Information Seeking 
Engines (co-chairs: Rick Downing and Joi Moore) 
(3) Information Technology Systems Accessibility (co-chairs: Eleanor 
Loiacono, Scott McCoy and Nicholas Romano) 
(4) Information Visualization and Decision Support (co-chairs: David 
Schuff and Ozgur Turetken) 
(5) Interface Design, Evaluation and Impact (co-chairs: Scott McCoy, Fiona 
Nah and Mun Yi) 
(6) Personalization Systems (co-chair: Il Im) 
(7) Emergency Response Systems (co-chairs: Murray Turoff and Bartel Van de 

For more information on these mini-tracks, please refer to 
http://sigs.aisnet.org/sighci/amcis05/ or 
http://amcis2005.isqa.unomaha.edu/callforpapers.htm where you can also 
find the e-mail contact information of the mini-track co-chairs. 

*** NOTE: DUE DATE for submissions: 
Paper submission deadline: March 1, 2005 

If you have questions about the HCI track, please contact Fiona Nah 
(fnah at unlnotes.unl.edu), Scott McCoy (scott.mccoy at business.wm.edu) or Mun 
Yi (myi at moore.sc.edu). 

If you have questions about a specific mini-track under the HCI track, 
please contact the mini-track (co-)chairs directly. 

Hope to see you at AMCIS in Omaha! 

Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
209 College of Business Administration
Lincoln, NE 68588-0491
Tel: (402) 472-6060
Fax: (402) 472-5855
Email: fnah at unlnotes.unl.edu
My Home Page: http://ait.unl.edu/fnah
AIS SIGHCI Home Page: http://sigs.aisnet.org/sighci
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